Have you ever learned a counter-character for nothing?

imo, a real counter is something like 7/3.

it’s nice to be able to backpedal when you realize you’re wrong eh?

Are you serious? I don’t backpedal u fucking tard. Check out my Dudley thread. Does that look like backpedaling although most of the thread disagreed with me? 3K views and 170 responses. I just don’t wanna argue cause it’s too easy owning you up. Your posts are fucktarded and you just make up shit like “trying to guardcrush Honda is dumb” and “i told you about trading”. You end your post by saying Vega/Honda matchup is 6-4, and that’s due to Mago. That list is heavily influenced by Japan’s top players. That list is biased, PERIOD. C-Honda wouldn’t even be on that fucking list if Mago didn’t exist. Just like A-Kyo/Iori/Hibki, and C-Shotos wouldn’t be on it either if it wasn’t for certain players (like Dan) reppin those characters (Shotos in Dan’s case) hardcore. Not to mention the maker of that list put K-Raiden as a top-tier K character, just cause he uses R4 K-Raiden. Now on the other hand, A-Vega is widely considered top tier in Canada/US/Europe/Japan/China/Cambodia/Antarctica etc. So giving A-Vega just 6-4 favors vs C-Honda is a fucking GIFT to Honda. He doesn’t deserve it. 7-3 EASILY (which is the base line counter character requirement). Mago made and currently IS C-Honda. And he still loses to A-Vega… But thx for agreeing with me that Vega counters Honda.

Does someone know what it says about C-Kim down on the bottom of the page?


I think they say because his mobility is very good, his potential is great. They are basically trying to say he has a latent abilities, meaning untapped power.

For Cammy, they say P and K are strong grooves for her and she excels at pushing the opponent into the corner if you work at it diligently. They also say that although her stamina may be weak, her defense is strong, so it’s not a problem as many may perceive it. The stamina could also be replaced by P/K groove, and they may mean that although these grooves are considered weak compared to A, Cammy excels using them and is able to push well with these grooves? Finally, the other possible interpretation is that while she excels pushing characters into the corner, she herself is weak in that position (the corner, that is).

For Ken, I think they say Ken is a beginner character, and anybody can find a good level of success using him.

For Rolento, I think they say he does well against C-anybody, but against A-groove, his top tier status is concealed, meaning he doesn’t shine as bright vs the #1 groove in the game.

What do you think they mean by “his mobility is very good”?

Eagle doesn’t really counter Vega. From what I remember from one of Apoc’s posts from like 2 years ago, he said that with 2 Eagle BnB’s Vega loses his claw and mask I think. Then you keep him in the corner and such.

Even though you say its a rough translation, its better then me not knowing what it could possibly mean at all, thanks.

That’s a good video. I saved it to my youtube favorites.

Mago knows his matchups very well.

Bison’s one hit scissors kick is weak to Sagat’s fast roll, so Mago distances himself and rolls at all the right times, attacking with two-frame s.LP right out of it. It looks like Mago is reckless, but he’s purposely random just enough with his supers to maintain the air of unpredictability and forces his opponent to respect him. He has patience to not freak out when Bison tries a jumping cross-up at a difficult angle, and does a cross-up DP to counter.

Bison with meter jumping at C-groove seems a little broken and unfairly in A-groove’s favor though. If Sagat tries a ground based anti-air, he’s dead. If Sagat tries airblock, he gets guard broken into tripguard. If he sticks out an attack (as shown in the video), the attack gets blown through and he loses tripguard. If he jumps back without airblocking, Bison can use jumping strongs.

The only thing I can think of is just blocking the jump-in when Bison has meter. Maybe sticking out a stand jab to counter empty jump, but still recover in time to block the attacks after jump-in activate. A-Bison and this jump-in guessing game in particular is one of the things that always frustrated me the most about CvS2. What are people doing with C-Sagat in this situation nowadays?

Other cool stuff:
-Sagat attempting wake-up roll behind, cross-up DP as counter to Blanka trying to RC elec him on wake-up.
-Sagat far s.MK to beat a Blanka d.HP.
-Wake-up RC Tiger Crush to get out of the corner at 2:25. (A huge WTF, but that’s just crazy enough to be good…)
-Blanka kicking the vulnerabilty of another Blanka’s whiff LP ball with d.MK xx super.

man the fuck up, thats what you have to do with sagat.

Or you could just jump up, meet him at the same height, rh, fall and recover at the same time should he activate.

or fuck it, just roll

QFT. Straight jump up is one of the most powerful and underused tactics in ANY SF game.

actually jump up and jump back can get you killed, it has to be a jump forward.

Should’ve made that specific, sorry. :frowning:

I didn’t even pay attention to the whole anti A-Bison shit. I’m just saying straight jump up = ownage.

There’s not much to invent. For the record, Ed Ma is the real creator of like 75% of the Yamazaki stuff that I do. So people who are biting off my super ghetto tactics are really just biting Ed by proxy. He was hardheaded enough to play him in CvS1 (where he was actually more broken).
In CvS1, the throw super had almost no recovery so in a lot of situations it was a damned if you do/damned if you don’t type thing. If you jump away from the throw super, he’d recover in time to anti-air super you. Splendid.

Really all I did was just try and get down the exact distance it’ll hit you from so I can set up ticks and add some new variants. (In C groove, RC dust on their wakeup, dash forward level 2. Meaty low forward, crossup roll, level 2. In N groove, meaty low short, instant overhead rh xx random super. Blah blah, there are a million of em) Also, it seems more useful because most people will try to wake up RC just to prove they can giving me a nice window to get the grab super on wakeups.

–Jay Snyder

By far the most ghettofied usage of “xx” i have ever seen.

lol, I totally missed that… nice