Have fighting games been getting worse?

GD is great people btw.


Quick reminder that all of these posts are up for Mod review and subject to Moderation.

Thank you for your patience.


Thanks for your hard work officer.

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Thank you citizen.

Have some Boom Bap:

If you playing a fighting game and losing to scrub tactics…most likely it’s you, not the mechanics.

Adapt or GTFO.


Yeah. GD peeps are great but we’re all just cantankerous old men. It’s great. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Tell these kids to get off my fucking lawn!


We will forward your complain to the moderation team.

Thank you for your support Fighting Game Citizen.


I love you too Bro.

I whole heartedly agree

I’ll be honest, all I really got out of this post is “Why doesn’t XRD play like AC+R?” The reason why is because they are different games. The real problem is that when you say you played a lot of games but only stick to the Guilty Gear series, its hard to figure out wtf is it that you’re really complaining about. So I’m gonna need a list of games you feel have short combo and not much set play.

lol SRK “Fanbase”

This forum is the reason why you have an FGC at all. Most of the people who complained about how mean the fighting game people are were usually scrubs that got wrecked and didn’t want to learn. I could explain all the ways in which that’s true but I’d rather go play games.

So basically you’re wrong.


So is this the GD version of Scrub quotes now?

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Faitingu Gaemu

All we need is an actual screencap onto Scrubquotes at this point.

Ultimately it depends on the game you play. Most major games with history are indeed harder because they add new mechanics but on the same coin you get more toned down games as well where they have simplified controls and moves to make them more enjoyable to novice or casual players.

Yes fighting games have been getting worse, it’s all because of scrubs on SRK who complained all day that SF4 combos were too hard now look at the scrubbery shitfest that is SFV.

How long your ass been stuck in Super Silver?

I stopped playing after I got to Gold rank, that was 2 years ago. Isn’t it correct that SRK users were giant crybabies in the SF4 days?

Oh boy are you in for some big disappointment when you read the scrubby shit that was said before SF4 came out.

Doesnt change the fact that SF4 being based around tight links wasnt some dumb stuff


Oh God the dumb shit that was said was hilarious. My fave was some butt hurt n00b that said MvC2 was a mistake as he cant beat the game solo.

Gut Gud or GTFO.

So you tell me I’m crying and insult me and then you have the NERVE to think you can high road ME? Go look in the mirror, you hypocrite. You post that gif up like you have some kind of point, but you were like “Go cry here” and then act like you’ve done nothing. You’re a worm. Difference between you and me? Before I could post again, I was thinking about apologizing to you. But now, I have no regrets throwing any insults at you just because you’re too blind to see the type of man you are and what kind of person you really are.


MAN, you’re pathetic. Scrub tactics? Samitto does it. RF does it. You still dont’ get it, do you, you underline jackass? You want to hear what you think you want to hear. I’ve been whooping ass lately and I STILL don’t like it. But you don’t get that do you? You’re so narrow minded that all you see is what YOU want to see. You’re a waste of space as a man. Go reflect on yourself, you hypocrite and you deluded fool


Honestly, all I’m getting from you is that you’re all talk. Impressive. Nobody can do that. once you got some real shit going on, come back to me. But other than that, you’re just that. Talk. Talk. And talk. You have nothing worth proving but what you think you have and what these people will do to defend you. You’re proud of what you are? Well let me tell you. People think that SRK are some of the biggest pieces of shit you’ll meet. They’re liars, they have no dignity, no courage, they’re a bunch of flawed cowards who think so highly of themselves, they can’t see the garbage they really are. THAT’S what people think of you. So be proud. And take that Lupin avatar out of my site. You don’t measure. Lupin is a man with SOME integrity. YOU aren’t.