Stay free Dakota.
Whos planning on coming to Texas Bar Fights Round 5?
I dont read post without pictures
Hey Jeff, I think it’s your theme but with the default theme your post is invisible.
I want to go to Ark, but I will have to see what my schedule looks like.
Yo you better get a headcount and request housing. I kid you not, we’ve already had like 40 people request housing from us.
Hope you guys are getting hype for ARK IV! Looking forward to meeting you guys and getting some games in! We can discuss money matches when it comes time. I have a shit ton of mm’s written in stone right now and I want to make sure I have enough money for more. I’m poor.
ironically enough, I remember watching that live as a kid, me and my family still joke about raymond, hilarious that he made the highlight reel, but it makes perfect sense.
what about it?
Whats the irony? All I see is coincidence. :clown:
boom head shot ! aint no walking away from that one whooo leee oooh
more game show clips