Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

Depends on what your definition of lying under oath is. Or your definition of is is.


So Ark III is september 17th? Me and my roommate are definitely going.

September 17th and 18th. Two day event.

Ark looks sick, if I can afford that and going to Boston for my college roommate’s wedding in October I definitely want to go.

Thank you 3rd strike for showing me that my execution is indeed a piece of shit.

I don’t care how hard I get punished in 3rd Strike, I enjoy it WAY WAY more than SF4

I can def see where you’re coming from, lotta room for styling on ppl in 3s, makes matches more entertaining. I like em both.

I just like how if you suck, you’ll get destroyed…there’s no mashing in this game. And I like how with parrying, it’s never truly over till it’s over. I like SF4, but after playing 3s, going back and watching matches and even playing it. it just feels too slow…I’m not a fan of MVC because it’s so fast paced so it’s hard for me to keep up while playing. 3rd strike on the other hand is a lot faster paced than SF4 and not so fast where I can’t keep up. I think it’s largely credited to the fact that in SF4 the stages are way too big

This is what I’ve been talking about. Even being terrible at 3s now after all this time I’m not losing to scrubs at all.

Also the damage in 3s is actually pretty high. The stages are smaller and the scaling is really forgiving up to a point.

High damage games> low damage games.

Julio, when me and dubh were playing 3s last week I was like
Man what happen, I use to be able to do all elena’s stuff and hit confirms…

And the best part is that 3s will be at the next Gameware.

3s is dead u all are wasting your time this online release will be the same as the marvel 2 released online for xbox live niggas stop STOP IT!!! swag…oh nigga john tell me why i had lissette and michelle cookin on stage WHILE performing swag nigga the dollaz came rollin in nigga swag BASED nigga i was proud of my bitches swaaag…

toi its ok if your ass in 3s, it will complement you being ass in 4 nicely /swag swag swag =}

i love how toi is just our community’s puppet

Granted some people may be using this to just get to srk, but there is a decent number of people every day that get to srk by the last post of this thread.


Mikeboi going hard in the paint…

no lie, after spending about 3 hours on elena’s final trial I’ve finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Basically, her moves are very slow, slower than viper’s normals in sf4, so i was hit confirming a bit too early. Also, when I cancel to DP motions, I have to hold down back when I do a cr strong, to make sure I don’t accidentally get super, after I figured that out, I felt ok. The precision of the DP motion is really the only thing that was messing me up. But yeah, canceling to super’s is much more precise than juggling ultras, makes you really learn stuff and not second guess yourself.

Let me know when yall play again, I’ma come out.

I definitely get scrubbed out in 3s, I think you’re just more familiar with the game is all, you actually played that game. I mean, don’t get me wrong I like 3s, ESPECIALLY no mashing, good lord thats a relief, but lets be honest, its not all rainbows and butterflies. After playing viper so long, its so nice that if i think someone is going to press a button, I can just throw out a super to punish them, and I don’t always have to be scared of 50% punishes less its chun/yun.

Think I’ma pick up dudley as well, that character is too much fun in 3s.

Toi - its called playing because its fun.

gotta gate keep him posting drunk glee

I still don’t know why you go through all that extra work when you can set your bookmarks to the same thing. I guess if you type things in everytime it’s a little useful. You must use a lot of public computers is all I can think of.

My first to 10 challenge in 3S still stands against Dub and Julio. Dakota, you need to make it happen.

the troll to end all trolls, no one wants to watch that. Plus, I know so little about the game, it wont even be fun for me, I decline.

translation, I’m scared and don’t want to get embarrassed…again.