Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

that was my first thought…I highly doubt anyone will be playing Skullgirls…well a few people come to mind…

live 2012 testing


they are still doing AE tournament, 2012 is coming though

only japan can save honda

necro vs parry happy hugo is a nightmare


it’s all in their hands…

This was a good thing to wake up to.

NSFW http://isanyoneup.com/2011/08/29/kreayshawn/

hey hey…keep the cheese upstate ricky

Might wanna watch your step when posting stuff like this. Never know when you will get dimed out by a lame. I still say she needs to gain 10-15 lbs to really be legit. Actually if she swapped heads with the chick i was posting about above it would create a super model and a troll.

cities: how in the world did you know she had a magazine? Or did you look her up?

nipple piercings, shoulda seen that one coming.

Stephen - PM/link me the stream stuff you use. I kinda wanna start streaming some matches or something, make my play time more fun.

According to the comments those pics are hella old to the point that she’s actually under the legal age in those photos. Watch out for the pedo police. Someone give Stone the link. It’d be up his alley.

I would love to play you Baton Rouge people in 3s.

^u can play young jayfe aka young wun at dibbz tonight if you want…

There is going to be a lot of crow eating once Skullgirls drops and reeks of sheer awesomeness.

i doubt it

john give me the melty blood info im dying to play online

Yeah according to kreayshawn those are pedo photos lol. Time to clear out my temporary internet folder.

she’s almost 22 now, there is no way those pics are 4 years old and she looks exactly the same.

u mean more that 4 years


yo rick check your inbox

jeff if u go to dibbz holla at your namesake jayfe (solaris) and give him my raybans plz