Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

Ryan, the “it goes full screen” abel player. He has the rock lee from naruto av


what are you talking about? He obviously was trying to insult me I dont know this guy i dont care if hes going hard or not, he went in so im going in harder

Limegreen has been a troll for a good while. He’s the type to complain about the community while contributing absolutely nothing or even making an effort to be in the community. I gave up on him a while ago. You should pretty much ignore him to. Don’t feed the trolls.


yes! one more year at the venue lets get it in!

as it was said in the new testament
"blessed be the srk forums, where idiots gather"

stan the vids are looking great so far…im actually really pleased with how they have come out/ its really funny with the images and captions etc…just a couple of things:

  • shouldnt this all be episode 1…but parts 1,2, and 3?
  • tyler: hes funny in the skits and stuff but he really doesnt bring much to the table in the interview. hes not in the community so hes pretty ignorant (not condescendingly so but you get what i mean)… watching the vids so far all he says is “hes from doug,” and “daigo” and “the kayo police?” In the context of the interview hes a random guy wearing a brokentier shirt smiling…

again just things to keep in mind…yall are doing really well so far


We could put a different episode numbering scheme. Didn’t really think about it, but we can always change it later.

I think Tyler will bring an interesting spin in things to come. This is the first episode so there were a lot of bumps on the road.

thats cool once again im pretty pleased

on the other hand, since im in charge of getting the hype train and a few other things, i think me you charles and some BR peeps need to get together, talk about the trailer.


Dat Tyla guy is da besssst! Man he soo0oo00o0o0o funnny! Da Stanley guy he funny too…on opposite day. PPPFFFFF NA NA NA MAN IM JKING! IM JKING! Toi did you cut your face?!?

BR should be Julio, Irv, me
Laff Brydon, Tyler random
NO pat, stan, random.

Mix and match for gold

seems like quite a detailed roster for online play

Yeah I know. I think the worst people on those shows aren’t the bullies, but the people who called up MTV to take care of their problem.

You would be funny on tv though, especially on that bully intro part they do.

Is this for 3rd strike?

If it’s like AE it won’t be until about 4 am or so.

For all the fantasy football guys I changed the draft to Sunday Sept. 4th at 8:30pm due to some scheduling conflicts. Is this ok for everyone? I almost MIGHT need 1 more person but I think that’s more cause people were having a tough time getting in the league at first and hadn’t tried again.

If you need another for your league, shoot me a PM with the info. I can make a Sunday draft no problem.

probably a 75% chance i’ll make the draft. I’ll be out of town but I should be able to acquire a laptop that night. I’m not too worried if I miss the draft, usually in the past I end up better when I pre draft anyway.

GG’s to the LA guys I played in endless tonight. Sorry if my insane skills were making some of you salty. :wink:
See you guys at ARK IV!