Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

I’ve never played a single Diablo game but this is excellent. Shout outs to Lee for finding it.



I have no doubt the random japanese/vietnamese or whatever at the end was translated perfectly.

eh its too fake for me to enjoy

Flights from msy to cmh: 5:30am may to 11:06 am cmh. 46 min layover in Houston. Total price with fees is 283.80. Fri to monday

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I dunno, the stuff he was talking about was pretty legit. He also never lost the lips even for a moment.

We should all try and get that 530am flight @ us air.

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oh i agree the execution for that but some of the stuff he says the way he says it u can tell its too forced.

Is there anyone here with some basic graphic design knowledge? We’re trying to create a logo for our show. We just shot our first episode with Toi last night. We’ll probably get it uploaded it pretty damn soon.

SB is Oct right? People are already buying tickets? What is a good price?

At that capcom fight club nyc waiting to get in

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Tell those jerks to bring Cable back and add the Punisher. Then I can try and get excited for Ultimate Mortal Fighter 3.

im down imma ask off this weekend

Lol I’ll see what I can do

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psycho squall is really good try talking to him.
tickets are 220-260 range now

Whats the name of the show so i can make one?

99 hit gumbo

Chris might be coming up to Shreveport to meet with me, and then we’ll go to the tournament on that Saturday morning. Just send him an fb message to get in contact with him about it - I’m just trying to get off work that weekend at this point. :confused:

All excited about Gameware Monthly!?

sarah voomer was hoping to catch a ride up to the tourney from someone from that area of br =}

should be ez mode. just need an addy

Who can pick me up at westbank and bring me to gameware?