MvC3/SSF4:AE are on Xbox360 and MK9 is on PS3
comment #21
I c wut u did tharrr
comment #16 is the best explaination of why Noah got a trophy.
Is there a fantasy football league for LA?
comments 18, 52, 90, 94, 95, 119
lol, Yun is definitely not my main. Open invitation to all of you to add me on xbl.
I sent you a request,
Irv I knew he was still watching
Yo ima need a ride to gameware, can any of the br dudes pick me up? Cause im right in lafayette right now.
so your plan is to try to get someone to drive 45-60 mins away from the venue, get you and then drive back 45-60 mins to the venue?
good luck.
Jesus Christ, I’ve been gone for a few months now and nakadish is still a relevant topic of conversation? Oh my lord.
How’s everyone doing back in LA?
naka you can’t quit after 7 games in a best of 10, you gotta take the 10-0 sometimes
lol k? no point, I’ve never played against a good guile, can’t handle the sonic boom preassure and you obviously play sf more than i do, and i asked you to play mahvel but you don’t play…
That’s how you would presumably get better is to keep playing when you are losing, if I find somebody that beats me consistently that’s who I want to play because they are making me work.
Chill… I didn’t say i never wanna play again lol…I’ll practice and get some more guile, don’t worry
Either way though, GG’s your guile is very nice. I’m sure you’ve been playin him for a while, I just picked up SF4 after MVC3 came out. So I’d love to play again soon.
I’m not really that good at SF4, but anways: THE RETURN OF NAKADISH
Lol, honestly I can’t even believe you guys are still cracking jokes about me and shit…but it’s good to see i was never forgotten
Yeah I figured that. Glad you hopped back in here, I’ll drop you a line this weekend and try to catch some MVC3 on you. I hopped into SF4 after AE just because MVC3 was too much BS for me, but I’m originally a Marvel player.
I’m a marvel player too…grabbed sf for when i need breaks from mahvel lol. I’m sure i’ll get mixed reception, but thanks sketch, maybe i’ll come around more often. I also play League of Legends, if any of you guys wanna add me on there. Same name.
While i’m here though…Ranmasanma good showing at EVO, your video of trolling tokido is epic.
Never forget