Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

i think any troll/salt related name is lame as fuck, i grantee yall wont keep this up for long enough that it doesnt sound gay /corny


Someone make it happen over Vu’s vid

cajun slash/ cajun strike is clearly the best…not even close

please dont settle for cookie cutter/already been done stuff…were too creative for that

nigga u followed your old boss to your current job… youre a hypocrite…your old boss who you dont talk to (and for good reason) is the only reason u work there…ggpo charles

working with friends >>> working with random mediocre ppl

im doing this because its just as good “hustle” as pat os if not better

fuck u u driving ms daisy ass bitch

atleast i didnt steal someone’s purse.

Anyhoo 99hit gumbo is the best name. It has fighting games + south all over it.

u wish kid! its a close call i feel =O

At leas you shouldn’t run across any old white women there, Jon. :lol:

I like the 99 hit gumbo. But the Cajun ones are alright.

No Salty or Troll title for reasons above. The other two are good. Now material is the biggest issue.

Off Topic: Anyone in BR able to recommend a place to buy some fresh local seafood? All the stuff I’ve seen in the grocery stores looks like it’s been sitting around a few days at least.

Cajun Strike does a few things A) obviously Louisiana, B) FG reference, C) sounds good as a title of a show, not forced or contrived.

Cajun Strike is weak because its the name of Gambits secondary attack.

99 Hit Gumbo is strong because it is a short and sweet sly reference to
both fighting games and gumbo; in which the gumbo becomes a collection
of all the people we have as well as the variety of fighting games we all
play. Anytime someone adds Cajun in the title of something reminds me of
a chef going to california opening up a new orleans spot with terrible food.

I may be moving to BR as early as next week, staying there until around mid February I believe.
If anyone knows of a good month to month apt near Jefferson Highway and Lobdell Ave, right north of I-10 let me know

Tony’s seafood on plank road is the best place in BR.

u mean A) obvious lame B) gay reference to a shit character C) sounds corny and wack as a show title…

a confirm @ Tonys on plank

Thanks for the heads up on Tony’s. Gotta get my gator and crawdads on this weekend.

Came up with some recently…
High/Low Mixup
Southern Hostility
Time to Guess
Big Easy Brawls
50/50 Mixup

not the best time for crawfish but u can try LA broil also for those, its in a different part of town on perkins near bluebonnet

There’s always Ignorant Darkness.


Speaking of ignorant darkness…

Stephen seriously for Halloween if you need an idea for a costume it’s this guy right here. You must do it.

Heads and Tails has pretty good crawfish. It’s been a while, but I think they had decent prices.

i should have killed charles when i had the chance…

ignorant darkness ~cajun strike >>>> all

Hate on the Bayou