Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

whats sad is she went from amusing me…to making a fan out of me

i still cant post in the real thread. Java Script error = UNBLOCKABLE


Lmao, it’s officially Kreayday. Dropping songs and revealing a video directing debut.


Kreayshawn’s #1 hater…

Man, such hate in her heart.

Yeah the other thread doesn’t work for me, like at all

Also tomorrow, for those that want to play games. I’ll be playing 7-till people should pass threw for sfAE and marvel.

Good shit last night, Toi and Jeff. I officially have a new main =D

No clue about if a small tournament would be allowed, but library internet is where it’s at for streaming


That’s crazy

my bro and I can come through if its cool


Other thread still garbage for me, too. I don’t see a future for it honestly. :frowning:

Good luck to Vu in meeting your goals this weekend. :tup:

Who are you again?

I played him quite a bit on XBL and pointed him to the LA thread. I think he said he came to Gameware. Plays Ibuki.

he’s the black dude who was playing ibuki.

yea good shit learn the art of the chicken wing nigga also i figured out that we see most of that jab short combo more because feis usually jab short for pressure and whenever they get a hit they just let the rekkas go, but ur combo is definitely more damaging

I just made about 5 people hate haggar. These marvel players hate it more than AE atm.

Get them early MM wins. :tup:

basically what they said, if you were at gameware and saw a new dude with a round2 te that was probably me lol

Noone wanted to money match. I guess it all goes down tomorrow.

Wtf? Did they not have any heavy hitters there or what?

They didn’t want to waste their time with a scrub