Java script blocker? I had to allow the Viemo scripts to come in to get it to show up.
i meant oil change + rotation/balance + gas but good shit mike
and just since i know he is lurking
Nakadish: I challenge you to afirst to 10 in umvc3 at bfts3. Winner has to forfeit their handle.
Man if i got a dollar for every time someone asks,
you’d be almost as rich if you were getting a dollar jakob says he hates/is quitting this game.
Jakob and Sanford sitting in a tree, C-R-Y-I-N-G.
Toi got ur MM with auto demon uploaded, part 2 will be up in a few, i’ll add it to this post, as well as a few other matches I recorded.
jakob getting exposed -_-;
random warahk match in pools
sanford should come to BFTS
Man, autodemon demolished me at Seasons Beatings 4. That shit was not pretty from my perspective. Jose, learn to hold a camera steady, breesus.
edit: oh and good shit toi. how much was it for ft3?
its around the 7 minute mark… just a typical jay leno wisecrack
hes talking about anaheim mlg
imma try to get off for sbo qualifiers but we will see it might look bad me asking off every 2weeks lol
I didn’t catch names at dibbz. There was a guy playing wesker with 360 pad but he says he only plays on ps3. Also wolv/spen/akuma, i think was siruisblack
- Carlos
Now game says he was just playing around about Kreayshawn. It’s really strange how highly he thinks of himself. Dude is a decent rapper but what career has he ever ended?
N/m looks like that link is randomly live but yeah he basically said he was doing it all in fun. Coward move. Stick to your word.
ggs carlos. I woulda played more if I was feeling better. I could barely talk with the voice I had left from vegas lol.
miss info =/
There have been some wild ass worldstar videos in reference to her an V Nasty.
lol Yeah, good games man. Like I said, Magneto/Haggar rapes my team. No zoning ability. Aaron destroys me the same way.
Hilarious sign from Tokido too.
I’m leaning towards going to sbo quals. Dakota said he was down, i’m pretty sure we can get atleast 8 of us to go if we plan it. I’m off that friday so i’m down to leave that friday night.
u should bring tyler the creator with you juan, and thus, qualify for sbo
To participate in the [COLOR=black]SBO Qualifier event, your team must consist of two U.S. Citizens. Non-U.S. Citizens are not permitted to enter. Both players must present their U.S. Passport, or photocopied proof of their application for a passport to enter the event, as SBO will be ~5 weeks after our qualifier. This is the official ruling on this event from SBO Staff.[/COLOR]
I’m only going to play casuals and go out with Austin crew if I am going.
u a non citizen vu?
I’m lazy as fuck