Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

Just heard on the stream about Vu taking out Tokido in MvC3. Good shit, Vu!

Tokido ain’t got shit on Louisiana.


AE will get a balance patch

:tup: GS Vu. Also, Congrats to Stone for top 16. :tup:

Congrats, Stone. Heard about the loss. Wish I was around to watch all day yesterday. Only caught a few matches.

If you didn’t go to Evo this year you fucked up

LA making the strongest showing it has made in quite some time… In tourney and out

In ae me Vu and Jakob busting into quarter finals only losing to upper echelon players/ Japanese? Yessir we get out of pools now :slight_smile:

This weekend changed the way I view marvel. Stone and Vu HOLDING IT DOWN… I literally have no words it was amazing to be there when the combo videos happened… No words…

As for non tourney stuff let’s just say stay tuned for YouTube vids I will be posting…LA in general was trolling the fighting game community hard… Let’s just say gamerbee Has been humbled lol

So much drunk shenanigans recorded… Toi and Charles getting the cops called on them and shit lmao

Man I hope the rest are not that blurry.

Edit: I’ll still watch them regardless. And be glad of it. :slight_smile:


Glad you guys had a fun time trolling. I’d love to have some gameheads from other states hating on the LA, it’ll make BTFS2k2 hype.

Again, props to the guys who went and performed.

By the way, if anyone wants to get a few games in, teach me some shit, and maybe have a little fun in the process, my gamertags is as follows:

PC/360: EG Stumblebee

I’m around the Morgan City area, and I really only know one dude who’s okay at SF. Sucks bro.

GS VU and everyone that went to EVO!

Anyone wanna give me their AE for PC that they gave out? :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone linked this monitor to me the other day. Said it was just as good as the Evo monitor. (“less than 1 frame of lag”). Anyone have experience with it?

imma put up that video we made in the hotel later, evo was such a blast

shout out to cities for keeping me laughing with those pics

rofl @ this http://rapgenius.com/Kreayshawn-gucci-gucci-lyrics

Who going to dibbz

For anyone in fantasy football last year that didn’t get the invite I just sent hit me up on here or on facebook. If you did play last year and didn’t get an invite then it means I hate you.

I’ll be at Dibbz between 7-8. Gotta call it early tonight 'cuz of work.

I’m still driving be there at 8:30

We’re doing money matches with ryan hart, rf and poongo!

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