Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

I don’t like older white america still trying treat us like we are fools, alot of things black people just read into way to much but somethings are just apparent, but those are the things we seem to eat up. Black people dying 1st in movies is not funny anymore its pretty sad, QT getting away with stuff like reservoir dogs is disgusting imo. its one thing say nigga its another thing to use it in a degrading disrespectful fashion in media format to make a movie more “real” ( which is a just a excuse in QT case) “Stop being a nigger” “Those Niggers dont…” wtf? really? I wanted to cut it off right then and there, I feel like QT laughs on the inside everything scenes like that get played and black people are sitting around watching it.

People in baton rouge are going to hate on a popular attractive white girl saying nigga, its Louisiana people are still clinging to hate and negativity and racism. ( What does this thread pride itself on) Here in LA( the south) where black pride (and white pride) is much stronger than most other parts of the country your gonna get that reaction “who is the white girl throwing around the N word and making rap” If V nasty was ugly and over weight its would be less of a issue.

Not only that Its not like she is putting on a act, she illegitimately has used nigga since before the big bang of popularity with WGM. Its the how she was raised and her environment, I’d have a problem with any white person on this srk thread or that I currently know spamming nigga like that because none of them were bought up in that environment. I remember when ricky 1st used it years back me and Van was like woah woah, same with the other white guy with the banging under age white sister at the time…who clearly was into black guys lmao.

But again you can tell its not some show with em, and its just what they are use to so its whatever. If I felt like i was being disrespected by one of them I would address it in my own manner.

At some point im sure every white person gets disrespected by someone black and thinks to themselves “stupid nigga” and visa verse with blacks and whites… especially in the south.

But your right its pretty funny most people cant wait to have a reason to say the N word, and ive over heard a many things and read a many things that prove this very point. Again imo its all about how you were brought up and are use to.

Liking hip hop = not enough reason on its own either.

edit: also I can see how people would think at 1st glance or in passing that she is just putting on a act for her “music”

last thing

the negative thing about V nasty saying the N word so much is people thinking its ok to say it and use it anything which is gonna get alto of peoples feeling hurt or worse but at the same time the younger generation spams the N word like its nothing. Because to them its really just word, next time your in the mall listen to some of the 15-18 white/asian and blacks prep kinds talk among themselves.

I can’t believe people are really harping on Tarantino and other writers for putting “nigger” in their scripts. That’s really giving too much power to the word.

Nothing to do with him being good. It’s about people wanting Strider who was defined by orb pressure.

This right here. As long as there is a 'Ga there will be a 'Ger. The word needs to vanish or needs to mean nothing.

I forgot to mention I put in an application to be in the White Girl Mob. Time to make it big!

What complaints about Strider reiterates - people don’t like change and want Marvel 3 to be Marvel 2.1

Welcome to last year, no one is ever going to be satisfied.

The problem with mvc3 is not the actual characters play style, its the lack of execution required to use them.

V-nasty is disgusting…

lmfao yeah right kota. shes the weakest one out of the 3 and thats terrible all things considered. I also like how you KNOW shes real from…videos and internet? =/

no people just dont want tvc2 sadly capcom does…mvc3 will never come out.

Cliff notes please.

Truong isn’t here this time.

Let me know if anyone wants to play late saturday.

LOL no youtube at work. Guess I’ll have to wait.

I know I’m not much comp but I want to get some MK9 in with you.

As long as you drop an N-bomb ever other word you should be in. Though truthfully I can’t see that coming out of your mouth. :tup:

But her parents will!

If anyone here is in the Shreveport area and wants to get some games in tonight, send me a message - we’ve got group together already.

I know Kurum (and I think his brother) are heading over to Monroe tonight for Friday Night Fights.

Any other people in the Monroe area with nothing to do tonight should come to the Atrium Hotel. 2001 Louisville Ave (across the street from Popeyes). Doesn’t cost anything and we’ll most likely have a MvC3 and SSF4 set up tonight. Starts around 6:00 and goes until everyone gets tired and leaves.

Cool, cool. Yeah, I forgot that he told me he’d be out at Monroe tonight. How big is the scene over there by the way, and is there someone who kind of heads it up?

EDIT: The reason I ask is because a few of the guys here tonight are new to fighting games AND go to ULM. I’m sure when the semester starts back up, they’ll be coming to Monroe gatherings, and I’ll probably show up eventually myself, haha.

Uh…I’m kind of in charge of the weekly meet ups, but all I really do is pay for a room for us to meet in and try and get the word out about it. Shawn is the one who started the facebook group and is talking with the Play N trade about tournaments. Most of the talk right now is on the facebook group and when we meet up at the Atrium.

Last week we had about 10-11 people show up throughout the night, but that was only the second week of doing it (first week we only had 5), so it’s getting bigger. Plus each week I’m getting new people asking about it (like you :slight_smile: )Just show up man. It’s free. I don’t think anyone is going to give new players shit, as long as they are willing to learn. I just got sick of playing online only, so I’m going to do what I can to get a community going here up north.

That’s great, man! We’ve got between 5-10 guys here in Shreveport showing up regularly now (excluding Vu and Kurumster, who I just now got in contact with). We’ve just been meeting at each others’ houses and whatnot, but we’re looking to pick up anyone who wants to play. But, yeah, I’ll definitely be down there if there is a tournament. It’s not too far of a drive, at all.

Our facebook groupis up and running, as well. Feel free to request to join - I’ll add you in. Hopefully the Monroe and Shreveport scene will be able to work together ultimately, as we’re so close in proximity (and in the midst of a fighting game revival, hah).