v nasty, at least she gives you a heads up with her name…
Shoulda never gave these ghetto white bitches money…
I can literally find a dozen replica “white girl mob” females near the trailer parks or on the northside of Lafayette. How do you only have 1 snaggle tooth? how is that even possible?
wtf can i post yet cant wait for evo who is getting drunk with me
irv give us the cliff’s notes of what he says for those of us with no facebook
I embrace all ghettoness White, Spanish, Black, Asi…well not Asian.
Ghetto asians are the scariest. No doubt.
Man wtf he deleted the post. Basically it was a lot of venom being spit with stuff like hoping their wife and children get burned in a fire and stuff along those lines.
Ghetto asians seem to be the most hardcore as far as killing people’s families and stuff. The fact that they run in packs can make them tough to defeat as well.
where can i watch king of china town… And the South > EC and WC…
someone explain the bertell rock paper scissors thing was that something that happened this year at FR?
There was a rock paper scissors competition to get a chun li TE stick and people were randomly chosen out of the audience yipes was one of them i think sanford and of course our own…Bertell…so shit was rolling and then Bertell gets up shin blanka keeping it hype then bertell holds his sign until after his opponent does theres shin blanka then gets on the mic and says “how the fuck do u get dq’d from paper scissors rock get the fuck off of the stage” Honestly one of my favorite moments of Final Round also the look of determination in yipes eyes while playing was hilarious as well
that was easily the best moment of final round.
i read that and literally lol’d
Good games tonight carlos. I’m free to wolverine/spenc/akuma lol
I’ve never been a Jim jones fan but man this is about as whack as it gets…
wtf was he thinking.
Just stopping by to say what’s up to everyone in the LA thread. Anyone from New Orleans?
yep i feel like a dummy now.
Yeah, good games. I was really hoping just once I’d hit my Spencer combo with the She Hulk/Spencer/Ammy team, but I couldn’t get a hit let alone finish the combo. Mags owns She Hulk hard with Sentinel assist.
Think I might try Spencer/Wesker/Dorm if Dorm’s assist can replace Ammy’s for the combo setup.
I so want to play marvel competitively
rofl my eyes are burning with tears