Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

I’d be down to play more but between the online sucking and you not having time to play on Mondays it just isn’t happening.


there were a lot of factors involved…but netplay is so big now. a game cannot have a long lifespan in the us with no good netplay

many would contest this…i am one of them

I think mvc3 is playable online. Much more so then MK that’s for sure. It’s not great but you can get an idea of what a match might be like. With MK I don’t think you can even get that much.

many dont really play the game well =/

gotta take the train to brooklyn today…pretty sure i’m gonna fail somewhere down the line and get stuck lol

evo tickets are still under 300 if anyone has yet to buy…

from xXBL00DYxX1C3Xx at 4:00 am on xbl


this is my plan to get to evo


wow this site sucks now. and my av is gone.

lol yeah. It’s either I land a hit on Wolverine or I lose. :confused: I didn’t take the initiative and made sure Akuma died and Spencer/Wolverine has a great DHC to make Bionic lancer safe.

If you’re fighting a Haggar assist, the first thing you should always do is jump towards them and block, if Haggar is called out run up and do cr. L against it while it’s recovering. If they’re not punishing you for attacking the assist, rinse/repeat. Or you can wait for a second after the assist is called during the dead time and attack, and there’s always the strategy of snapping him in. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve been trying that, but he uses Haggar to cover his rush down as well, not just to turtle. So he’ll normal jump dash in, call Haggar and I know so I don’t press a button, but he goes for high low mixups with Magneto in the process. The only thing that’s been working against that is tagging to Spencer and baiting him then hitting a Bionic Arm, because he’s content with zoning out Wolverine if I don’t get in close.

I was hype to see this on the tracklist.

meh i think i’m going to stick with jim

Citaaaays can you hook me up with my old av?

Me/rahsaan/yipes team on guard crush

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk


When does this start? I can’t miss this!

Also Brad and John are also going to EVO if others did not know. Jakob probably going. Toi is going. From the way it’s looking, BR is not going.

Kreayshawn’s officially on the lineup for Voodoo Fest this year, get hype.

also, 2001 brings you this


Ah. that’s pretty typical. But if you’re already jumping and you block haggar, he can’t mix you up until you’re out of block stun and you land. So you’ll have a few seconds to attack before he can call Haggar again (pay attention to your opponent’s lifebars for when they say “assist ok”. This is your key to fighting. Haggar is only really pressuring you as an assist if you’re knocked down and waking up in the corner, where you have to eat the high-low mixup even if you crouch under the assist.