Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

You tell me a Friday that you would show up and I’ll go buy some Magic cards

That was so worth watching… Crackers be crazy. In fact I think I want to start calling people “my Cracka”.


Uh oh? What happened?

nothing yet…but i know honda cant do it alone in ae…akuma covers his worst matchups perfectly (ie sagat, chun, guile…)

plus the top players here play multiple chars effectively. arturo, sanford =/
dieminion’s been winning the tournies, his guile is gdlk -__-

NAH SON! all you need is honda and the jewelman combos :wink: lmao

random ass jewelman lol

my nigga have u played them yet??? give results

lmao…you’re not picking up a secondary? i mean it when i say i don’t think honda can do it on his own


nah mang not yet, i should be there on wednesday but its a team tourney so i need to find a competent team. i just been prepping.

gief gets shat on by the same characters -____-

more like Trace Buster Buster

I need to play you again Rick, that was a sub-par performance on my part, haven’t played much Honda, not on point and ready for oicho setups

well i need all the guile practice i can get. we’ll get some games in when i see you online.

DJ has become an extremely annoying matchup for honda in ae, kinda like guile in super but with mixups. seth and chun are still the biggest headaches imo, I think akuma beats both of them according to carlos. I been messing around with gief, its kinda fun to random lariat twins all day but he gets raped by chun bad. I messed around with blanka in super and he does even worst in some of honda’s bad matchups. I think cody, makoto or juri might be the next character I fool around with.

Citays I saw a replay of you vs seie enbu or however is name is spelled. Lets just say I was surprised on how you play other honda’s besides mine and zaith’s, not enough down back = loss for guile. I believe I played the real hsien thursday, it was the first time I played a top tier yun. I can’t believe how dumb that character is in the hands of a good player.

The french are ass at mvc3 and ssf4.

the french are incredibly ass it was too funny i loved that counter vs counter haha

I agree about DJ. Whenever I win against a really good one, I feel like I got lucky. He’s so solid now.

I tried out Juri but she’s so much work…she really does cover Honda’s bad matchups though. Blanka does well against Guile and Chun, and better against Sagat than Honda. I have a decent Blanka so I might give him a shot if it comes down to it. I prolly should put more work into Mak but she doesn’t exactly have an easy time getting in.

sigh I dunno…

fuck it i’m learning YANG


wtf happened to fei!?? hes fucking S tier