I know how to get around it really, Its just stupid that someone that plays casually or not at all really, can do willey nilley stuff and I have to be really careful or potentially lose the match. Its really only a sf4 thing, other newer games aren’t like that BBCS2, SC series, Tekken, MK, and def not marvel etc etc. The only game I have ever experinced this in is sf4. Heck you can’t even get away with it in Smash bro’s or FPS’s.
edit: like irv said, it was much pre sf4 era when you had to have more than basic knowledge to be a threat somehow, when you jump back round house Dp fireball and repeat and seriously be effective** at all**. But like i said while newer games are easy, NONE are like sf4.
Herp derp I say “nice hitbox” irl whenever that happens. I can understand if some hitboxes reach behind the character but that Magneto was clearly outplayed in that in that particular instance and got rewarded for it lolololol.
When was it again? Probably a no go. When you went MIA I spent my money on nigga shit like Balla Blockin’ movie posters among other things.
I have always supported high damage, I was a fan of vanilla sf4 and very pro sf2. High damage isn’t a comeback feature at all, if anything it’s something that punishes scrubs and weaker players, and keeps people honest.
Do I want to dp and lose 30 to 35% of my life if i get baited, is something people should have to think about all the time not just mid match or after your opponent gets ultra.
It’s not built in come back if it’s equivalent for each player. If both players built ultra meter at the same time in SF4 the comebacks wouldn’t feel nearly as worthless to me as they do right now. Same with MvC3 comebacks and the Xfactor situation. If it was the same level for both players the entire match I wouldn’t be nearly as annoyed.
Are we thinking of the same Marvel here? Shouldn’t you have to be even more careful in that game since it’s always been notorious for being touch of death.
And looking back at your previous post, what do you mean by thinking illegitimately?
while i cant disagree with this statement, sounds to me like you’re giving them too much credit, but yes, for the most part I will agree, sf4 sucks overall, its been aggravating me quite a bit lately.
stephen - sf2 had inescapable situations, so if ur opponent was terrible, you could literally mow them over. same in 3s, kota is right, its just an sf4 thing, thats why marvel results are more consistent that super 4, so dumb.
vu - congrats on 2nd, dont drop the soap next time, and i agree with irv, lame is always better in marvel 3.
you do know that most of the pros that play st disagree with you and thats why so many people got excited and hyped for ghram wolf making that comeback a few evos ago…foot in mouth as always tho, thats your style
I’m just getting bored with SF4, ready to go on to the next game, but I’m messing with Viper for a little bit so that might change. And speaking of Viper, be more random with her.
On SF2, the bold is completely irrelevant if the statement before is true. If it’s inescapable as death, one’s skill level should mean nothing.
She’s too slim for me to consider her sexy. I’d feel semi-child molesterish if I saw her. She’s cute to the max though…well maybe not max but around 8/10. Her and Kreayshawn look a lot better with more natural looking hair. Both could gain a few pounds though.
You do realize ST and SF2 are not the same thing. There you go. Talking about something different and pretending it’s the same thing. Just to try to have a point. But that’s your style though. :lame: :rolleyes:
Okay look, you need to come to this event. You know it’s too much fun to pass up.
So, last week we didn’t exactly have a large turnout (33), because of Fourth of July. And because of the low turnout we didn’t have a Mystery game tournament. I have not revealed the mystery game yet, because we’re doing it this week.
This is going to be our first MYSTERY GAME tournament! You won’t know what the game is until after you sign up! Sign up will only be one dollar. And since no one knows what the game is, anyone could take home that cash. We will have a SSF4AE one dollar tournament as well.
Venue Fee is one dollar and doesn’t count toward any tournament fee. This week, every tournament will only cost one dollar. We will be having at least 2 tournaments this week (SSF4:AE, Mystery Game). If you want to participate in any tournaments you HAVE to pay the venue fee AS WELL AS the tournament entree fee.
The Monday Night Fight Night is an event upheld weekly at Dibbz to bring the fighting game community of Louisiana together. Every Monday night Dibbz of Metairie allows us to set up our games on their big HD lag-free TVs. This event is open to the public so we encourage you to bring new people. We play plenty of different fighting games. Main stream games like SSF4, MVC3, and MK are constantly up and running. Unconventional less known games are played as well. We stay at Dibbz until they close at 3 am so you have plenty of time to come stop by.