I aint gun lie kuma ur a different case so its best if you stay outta this one playa…
Poofs away
Can someone punch Toi in the mouth for me tonight if the words “swag, swag” comes out of his mouth. Thanks. :tup:
In this scene the hate is the respect. thought you knew. :karate:
Edit: so what’s up with the emoticons? They change them or just not being em all back?
werd werd werd so
kota, we could really use the power of the charger
because right now its:
thats not town car safe of a number…
wait yall are going to dibbz??
Truer words haven’t been spoken in a long time in this thread. This is how you should look at fighters in order to be successful, toi in a short time has down what alot of us haven’t in a decade.
Anyway I 100% agree with most of this statement
Also agree when you have someone throwing controllers, swearing, and blaming, sticks or whatever you have there pride.
Nothing like holding someones pride hostage.
i think you got it all wrong. when that happens the person is telling you that you had very little/nothing to do with the win. there is no respect there. now you can pretend that its there and make it mean something else in your head, but then your just trying to make yourself better.
KOTA =/ good job being no responsive ={
man, they need to get that teleport technology going, I’m missing out on alot of fun
FYI I won’t be to my house until about 7
both Julio and Carlos’ salt factor was through the roof yesterday
maan kota sabotaging the trip
Too bad they won’t be invented until 3015-3026.
Just Showing off some of the crazy combs in this game, It needs to get big.
MORE at DreamCancel.
Yo! I was starting to think I was the only Monroe player who read SRK. I joined the facebook group and sent you a friend request as well (best way to get a hold of me). Car’s broke atm, so riding a bike, but if there is anything I can do to help get a scene started in the Monroe area let me know.
GGs at Dibbz tonight. Sorry BR couldn’t stay late but work owns our souls.
I’ve been watching Mike Ross and Gootecks show… The last episode has A LOT to do with how people go about winning… It’s pretty Hilarious…
Good shit tonight at dibbz. Great seeing everyone before I bounce. Thanks for coming out. Gonna miss you motha fuckas (some homo).