Are you surprised?
1a. If you are surprised, why is that so?
1b. If you are not surprised, why did you go and allow yourself to be put in this situation?
(The more important question) Have you tried to contact the TO (don’t remember what his name is)?
Currently I have not seen anyone who has reported getting their money from Revelations. Recently heard the Filipino Champ hasn’t been paid yet either, and he promoted the hell out of the tournament.
Yeah I know, but most of the shady stuff was like consoles getting taken, badly run tournaments, or other weird things, the prize money was always payed out, so I figured it was worth the risk.
No one has gotten paid. I even have his cell phone number and every time i try to call or text i get no answer or reply. So it looks like everyone is getting snaked.
I expected as much, but it’s still painful to hear it.
I wonder if legal action is even an option, and if it is, if it’s even worth it.
Also, since we know that he’s willing to take the money and run, I wonder if the winners should be worried that we gave him the information that we did on the tax forms for the winnings.
On top of that we don’t even know if he actually put those forms through, so that it legally looks like he gave us the money. In THAT case, we might have to pay taxes on prize money that we never even received, and we have no way of even knowing (as far as I know.)
We need someone with some legal knowledge in here =/
There’s no tax impact to you since you didn’t get paid. It doesn’t matter to you whether the TO reported the payment to you or not.
If he did report it and didn’t pay you, then he’s lying to the IRS. That’s really dangerous if you’re busted for it. Which leads me to the conclusion that he’s not reporting the payment (supposed to be) made to you.
Being how shady the TO is, I’m assuming this is the likely scenario:
He’s not going to pay you because he’s not reporting it to the IRS. This way, he can avoid issues with tax authorities while still keeping your money. It’s legally safer to screw someone else over than the IRS.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“GetSalty”>In reply to the post above:
There’s no tax impact to you since you didn’t get paid. It doesn’t matter to you whether the TO reported the payment to you or not.</blockquote>
Ignore this advice. It is very common and legal to report payments not made. All he has to do is turn in the form that says he paid you. And claim he paid you in cash. It is very common when someone sues a company and gains ownership in the company, for that company to dish out phantom payment that never happened to cause the creditor to settle for a much lower amount. The IRS could give 2 shits if someone reports false payments, they have a reciept that says u owe tax, u owe tax.
Worst part is he will probably do it again. Use a new name for his organization, and this time leave his name out of the picture now that everyone knows it so well. Really wish there was some action that could be taken to make sure he can’t do that. Now I’m going to be skeptical of any new organization running a west coast major.