Hello! I’m Tia.
Idk where else I would put this so here it is.
Ive made a discord server with a few friends! We’re mostly lgbt and so we wanted to find other lgbt players or allies to come and hang out! I’m focused on MK11 but
we got MK people, Smash people, a couple of SFV people, people down to fightcade probs. Just shoot me a dm if you’re interested!
Why are you trying to steal my gays to go into your unholy platform?
do u have a monopoly on gay servers
I dont, but IHOP probably does.
damn is that where they’re all hiding
This also feels a bit on the furry side.
We love our GD gays and aint trying to see them get blindsided by no good Yiffers.
im a furry but not everyone in here is. I’m also moderating it as a generally sfw one.
Hmm…see. now you’re tring to remove users from the site so they can rumba while dressed like Pumbaa.
We aleeady lost one member to the yiff disease…would post nothing but anthropomorphic dog sacks…animated canine teabags bouncing for days…
It just takes over a person. First they’re just happy to suck dick, then one day they tell you how they saw a picture of a wolf that looked mad handsome…
Then I had to take him out back and ban him like old yeller.
No sir/m’am/zyr/xyr/they/them, dont think I want one of LGBFighTers to meet that fate.
uhh. ok
is it like… ur job to weird people out of posting here
But SRK was way better when we had an active gay thread. Dont see how promoting some shitty chatroom thats not guaranteed a long lifespan is better than just reviving the thread here.
aight whatever
I’m fuckin dead.
There we go, SRK’s OG bear has been named.
Do people in this thread even respect the man that made SRK, SRGay?
Probably not. New kids don’t care about OGs.
You know him, out there being bald and fabulous.
I assume that’s what he’d be doing anyway.