Happy Birthday Pertho!

Happy Birthday to the SRKs’ MTG fan and the only straight boricua in SRK GD!

Happy Perthday, old man.


Happy Birthday, man! Go have a beer at King’s X or Aceitunas.

Hes not straight tho, trust

Happy bday pertho ill be by around 1 am hunny

Yo wtf? That inside knowledge of the city. How haven’t we met?

Only thing kinda crooked is the way you swing a bat, homie. Even your boxing form suspect. All your jabs repping your dick 'cause they short as well and tilt left.

Oh we playing this game in public? Gotcha wink emoji wink emoji

Happy Happy Birthday to that one classy dude.

I used to live in Cruces, and my friend’s dad lived in El Paso. We used to crash his house in college. This was back when you could walk across the foot bridge to Juarez and get back with only a driver’s license, before shit went crazy. We used to hit up the mercado on Avenida 16 de Septiembre, and the Kentucky Club and shit. I plan on moving back to Cruces in a couple years or sooner- I miss the Southwest.

Shit man, when you do I’m hosting sessions on friday nights. Gonna see if I can elevate those to weekly.

Everybody who didn’t say shit can eat my whole ass.

Happy birthday Pertho. I can’t quit you so here’s some Hector Lavoe


Happy bday old Goya nigga.

Happy birthday teach!

Feliz Cumpleaños Capitan Puerto Rico


Aqui hay un pastel…


Puta loco, ¿ustedes le llaman pastel a los tamales?
Me enferman :mad:

Happy Birthday Perth!

Happy Birthday, Pertho. =)




Wait, Pertho is still alive?