And even then, latino is interchangeable with Hispanics 90% of the time, unles you are talking about brazilians, italians, frenchs, spaniards, etc which many times they are refered by their nationality.
both mufugga ugly as hell, particular the chinese guy. At least the white guy is kind of respectable in a way.
This issue is with every race to be honest and with both sexes. What upset people is that they somehow feel someone from their community belongs to them. Ie. they somehow have more right to be with that girl/guy than anyone from another race.
What particularly pisses them off is the idea that, if you gotta be with an average/ugly looking guy/girl, why not be with an average/ugly guy from your own community. What is even more infuriating to them than that, is when the girl/girl is actually good looking.
average/ugly black girl sees good looking black guy with average/ugly white girl. She gets pissed.
average/ugly black guy see fyne ass mama black girl with ugly (but right) white girl. He gets pissed.
average/ugly mexican guy see good looking mexican girl with average/ugly some other race gets pissed
average sikh guy, sees good looking punjabi girl dating average muslim guy. Gets pissed.
average white girl, sees successful white guy dating some exotic mama cita. She gets pissed.
Same shit happens all over the world. Nothing new here. Basically buk tooth mr chinamen can stand that a decent looking chinese girl is choosing an ugly ass whitey foreigner over him. He thinks he is more entitled to that slit (im not talking about the eyes lol).
So a Jamaican or say someone from Trinidad wouldn’t be considered Latino because their language derivative is English correct? even though they reside on the Caribbean?