Hamilton/Niagara Thread 2012


Hey we’re doing another pub event in Hamilton, on June 24th starting at 1pm. We will be playing AE Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat 9 and Skull Girls.

We will have a set of weekend passes for Polaris 26 http://www.tcon.ca/polaris/index.php/guests-2/ to give away, along with other prizes

click on to the facebook event and check it out[/FONT]


[LEFT]Team GOES + TorontoTopTiers presents Pub Night June 24 2012 @ Rebel’s Kilt, Hamilton, Ontario AE/MK - Sponsored by GDLK Apparel, 1up Games and POLARIS 26[/LEFT]

[LEFT]When: Sunday, June 24th, 2012[/LEFT]
Where: Rebel’s Kilt
298 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1B1
Minors under the age of 18 will be required to wear a wristband

Venue Fee: $10 and you get $5 off your tab for drinks/food as well as 2 raffle tickets

Tournament Fees: $10 per game

Tournaments: AE2012 (360) and Mortal Kombat (PS3)

Prizes: 70/20/10 split

Rules: Double elimination
Best 2/3 matches
Winners/Losers/Grand Finals best 3/5 Matches
timers: 99 Second default

Schedule: 1:00PM - Doors Open + Sign ups begin
2:00PM - Registration closes
3:00PM - AE2012 Starts
4:00PM - Mortal Kombat Starts
** If there is left over time and interest UMVC3 may run on XBOX360

RAFFLE: $2 for 2 tickets, $4 for 5 tickets T-shirts from GDLK and 1up Games as well as a special retro console and of course 2 passes to Polaris 26!

Check out our sponsors:




Sometimes I wish there was a better use for this forum. It seems long outdated.

I’m in first year at McMaster and I just realized that there was a thread. But yo, last post was in June? Damn. Is there anything going to be happening in Hamilton for early 2013?

edit: most activity is in the facebook group, gotcha.

Yeah check out http://www.facebook.com/groups/116399178515263/