Hakan + Combos = Hakanbos!

I don’t believe it’s been said here but st.MP,st.LP,f.LK xx slide (+p is 243 dmg, 260 stun] works.

f.LK seems to be the go to normal to cancel as it combos into HP slide.

Reset combos, use 4 bars and oil:

j.hp, f.mp, FDAC, f.mp, FDAC, f.mp xx OD.mk about 325 damage from the combo + 200 damage from the OD, so 525

j.hp, f.mp, FDAC, f.mp, FDAC, s.lp, s.lp, s.lp, c.lp xx OD.lk about 346 combo damage + 180 OD… so 526

Really? You’re going to burn two bars for that? Wow.

That does a lot of damage, but i find it, really hard to hit confirm off of a jump attack into f.mp, nevermind land the jump attack, you would have to hit it so deep. It might be a nice stun ending combo though, lol

I’ve been messing around with combos, and Hakans had a lot more going his way with frametraps. You can now use moves likes crouching mp which on counterhit, can link into standing jab, and then into f.lk > hp slide, so some good damage there. St.mp aswell, which is probably better since it’s better on hit and block…but if you’re oiled you can continue pressure, even if you don’t get the counterhit, with jabs, as you have the option of oil rocket as well as other stuff…

Other kinda unusual stuff is like St.hk, counterhit, into standing jabs into slide. Uncommon but it’s possible now, so that’s pretty cool. The thing to remember is, even if the mp is blocked, or even just hits normally, just continue, because hit confirming with his light attacks is so easy, if you get a hit then you’re in there, and there’s a good chance you might catch them pressing buttons.

Here are some oil rocket or ultra 1 set-ups .

j.LP or j.LK or j.MK to a oil rocket or ultra 1. If they block or get hit the oil rocket or ultra 1 will still land. This will result is in multi-hit combo.

On a somewhat related note, I find it odd that you can link s.lp off of CH s.rh considering on hit, s.rh is +0. Counterhit for fierces and mids add +3 frames, and s.lp is 4 frame startup.

Of course, s.rh could just have one of those odd ch frame values. F.lk has the same property (adding +3 on ch for a light instead of the normal +1).

I wish St.Hk was a lot better as a meaty attack, I’m pretty sure you can get thrown out of it, from what I can remember. Might have been me messing up right enough, but can’t remember having much luck with it, might be good from a longer range, into f.lk?

Interesting note about the CH value though

Yes, s.rh isn’t a spectacular meaty. It only has 2 active frames, making the timing strict for only little reward (the reward being +1 on the second frame).

I could be wrong but I thought this related to active frames/meaty hit. Hit f.lp on the last of the 3 active frames and in theory you get +2 frames then +1 for light attack CH which nets +4 on meaty CH f.lp, which is why you sometimes whiff spd after f.lp.

If SRK Wiki AE frame data is correct s.hk has 4 active frames which means if you hit it on the last active frame you can get +3 off non-CH meaty s.hk and something silly like +6 on CH meaty s.hk.

Interestingly, iirc(recently had another look at hitboxes for these moves)s.hk, f.mk and f.lk all have 4 active frames and are invulnerable from about the ankle down. Don’t ask me how to capitlize on the invulnerability tho.

Wow I was way off; for some reason I was under the impression s.hk had 2 active frames. Don’t… don’t ask. lol

But that’s the thing; a non meaty counterhit s.rh can let you link into a s.lp, a 4 frame normal. Common sense tells us that some different things have to occur for it to be possible:

A) S.lp was sped up to 3 fames (no)
B) S.rh has a natural advantage of +1 (also no, you can tick to ultra directly from s.rh, leaving it as a neutral move)
C) Counterhit status for s.rh is another odd value. (probably true, I can’t exactly test it)

Also, as for the hitboxes on the kicks, it’s useful for going over low pokes, i.e. ryu c.mk, some sweeps, etc.

Be interesting to sort that anamoly out.

And duh…?!? about the kick hitboxes. I was probably hoping things were more complex than they need to be.

Why does :f::d::df::f::lk:+:hp: result in lk oil instead of hp slide? I’m having a great deal of trouble performing his step kick hit confirm due to negative edge causing this input. I’m aware that it’s a dp shortcut but shouldn’t the strongest input win?

hold down lk once you press it. what’s happening is the game is registering the depression of the lk button as an input for oil. holding down lk allows for only two net inputs, and avoids lk oil from coming out

Is there a list anywhere of who lp,lp,lp,f.lk slide works on? because if not…I’m about to start one…

Standing -

hit - Ryu, Oni, Ken, Honda, Ibuki, Makoto, Sagat, dudley, Gouken, Akuma, Gen, Dan, Sakura, Yun, Chun, sim, Abel, Viper, Bison, Cammy, DeeJay, Cody, Yang, E.Ryu, Blanka, Gief, Rufus, Fuerte, Vega, Fei, T.Hawk, Rose, Hakan

Miss - Juri, Adon, Seth, Guy, Guile, Balrog,

If anyone can dispute my findings, go ahead. i might have messed up.

All done, some of the misses seem to be very hard and not completely impossible. (For example I’ve been able to hit on Hakan and Adon but only on a very deep jump in.) Still, I wouldn’t try it on them. I’m going to double check all my misses now…but thats what I found.

Edit:Testing out crouching now, All the people it misses standing on, it hits them if they’re crouching EXCEPT balrog…it doesn’t seem you can link 3 s.lps to a crouching Balrog…weird.


Im using this move a LOT reacently!!
The thing is i found out it CH Pretty DAMEN BLODY WELL against Low Atacks like c.LK from many characters!!
Specialy some of the best groundpokes get CH pretty easy and SAVE (it doesnt tend to trade or lose) AND it’s a really save answer in a Pokinggame!!

and now im reading you can combo out of it? I didnt even know i could follow up…

MAYBE THINK about it :wink:

I use that move fairly regularly. It’s got active frames, safer than f.hp and does great damage. Slow start up, but in many circumstances, it’s the right way to go. People tend to jump a lot after blocking it, from my experience.

Yeah it’s good when using the edge of it against opponents, beats a lot of stuff. Never tried it as a counterhit fisher but I did mess around with it in training and it can punish crouch techs on wakeup, and because it moves you forward when oiled, you can catch some characters with oil rocket if they backdash. Needs explored, underrated move for sure.

Glad it’s not just me messing that up sometimes…I didn’t know if it was character specific or not since all the characters I use for practice dummies are ones it works on standing. Does it work on everybody crouching except for Balrog?

I actually never got around to FULLY testing the crouching. Life got in the way. -_- all I know so far is it works on all the characters it doesn’t work on standing, when they’re crouching. Except Balrog. Next time I get to turn on SSF4 I’ll test the rest of the crouching.