Gyah Kita Ki (My demon brethren): The Firebrand teams and assists thread

Well Im not sure if they took this out of the game but when you preform a TAC The hit-stun while in the air is reset so combos like this are possible

Viewtiful Joe & Dormammu (REALLY basic Combo)

L, M, H, c.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, qcb.M, qcb.M, qcb.M, Air-Dash j.H, Side-TAC, (Dorm Comes in) qcb.S, j.H, qcf.L, j.H, qcf.L, j.S, Land, dp.Atk-Atk

Due to the hit-stun im able to do all that with dormammu before I knock them down. Im wondering is firebrand can do something similar. (if its still in the game)

L, M, H, c.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, qcb.M, qcb.M, qcb.M, Air-Dash j.H, Side-TAC, (Firebrand Comes in) qcb. L, S, j. H, Divekick, qcb + L, S, j. H xxx Air Bon Voyage, S, j. S, air Dark Fire.

That would probably work…

I think Hsien-ko with a meter assist, Mystic Ray, Daggers of Denak, or Hidden Missiles would do you better if you want to play a team based around her.

I’ll be using Firebrand with Shuma. I’m undecided on the third character.

It’ll either be Arthur, Taskmaster, Doom or RR.

i wanna use him with Zero(uppercut) and Ammy(cold star) but not sure if i should place him on point so it would be Firebrand/Zero/Ammy or second so it would be Zero/Firebrand/Ammy wht do you guys think

I’m using Firebrand/Dante(jam)/Doom(beam)

The team can rush down/run away and has crazy mixup potential. All three characters are very good too IMO.

firebrand (I don’t even use his assist, so I normally just hit whatever the default one is)/taskmaster (horizontal arrows)/ Nova (wall bounce).

I think firebrand really needs to be on point. DHCs into firebrand aren’t very good, but I found out that dark fire OTG into taskmaster parabolic arrows super works very nicely. Taskmaster is my best character, and I am considering replacing nova, but I’m keeping firebrand on point for sure. Normally I rushdown using taskmaster arrows to cover, and when firebrand is weak look for a DHC into taskmaster. Seeing as tasky is my best character he normally carries me to victory from here, nova is just there because he was fun to play, and hits really hard.

Ive been running him with a few different thing to see what he wants to have, I like Hsien-ko, since it just good overall for keeping them inplace. the 2 teams I have with him are FireBrand(Swoop), Hsien-ko, Spencer (b) Its doing alright online. meh. I think a beam assist would be good though since he can cross up so well

SO Basically… Firebrands First assist is his best
I am trying Zero/Fire/Hawk
and When You rush Down with Zero and if they are block a FIrebrands A assist Locks them down so you can keep mixing up… also Firebrands Mix up game is better then wolvies.

Firebrand will be about keeping people away. You want assists to accommodate that. He is the most dominate in the air. Keep people grounded so you can go in for mix ups, cross ups, unblockables…etc without fear.

Hidden Missiles (Doom)
Drones (Sentinel)
Any of Taskmasters assists
Mystic Ray (Shuma)
Log Trap (Rocket Raccoon)
Ammy (Cold Star)

I don’t know if Dante still has Jam session as an assist. :expressionless:

What do you guys think of firebrand/magneto/doom?

In theory it works. EM Disruptor is a great assist with a wide hit box so it could stop super jumps. And Hidden Missiles is just good.

Firebrand with sentinel drones assist is lolGodlike fellas, JUST saying :smiley:

add to that by activating his level three or his speed boost and you will have one salty opponent.

Right now im running Firebrand (swoop)/Zero (fireball)/Dr Strange (Boltok) because its fun. It really isn’t a great team because Dr Strange isnt the greatest anchor and doesn’t add much for Firebrand/Zero… but Firebrand and Dr Strange were the 2 I wanted to learn so I am going to stick with this for awhile. Eventually I will probably end up using Vergil, Strider, or Dante as the 3rd member.

actually if you get firebrand into luminous body and bring strange in, the medium demon missile assist brings some good crossups with Strange.

I think Hellfire is the better assist for ranged characters. It acts like a big flame carpet, in case the opponent gets around your barrage.

I’m using Vergil a/ X-23 (ankle slice assist)/ Firebrand a.

Hell Spitfire is actually useful as an OTG assist, you just need to time it properly. You need to press the assist button very early, but you can use it to OTG this, for example:

Vergil: c.M, S, a.M, a.H, a.S, Firebrand assist, Moon Phase (optional), Dimensional Sword.

And I’m terrible at combos, so I’m sure there’s more that you could do with that.

And yes, Luminous Body DHC out makes all of his assists better.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the listed combo is corner only.

Modok (P. Blaster) / Firebrand (Fireball) / Hawkeye (Straight shot).

MODOK corner traps + Firebrands fireball keeps them in hella block stun for easy modok mixups. Modok supers easily DHC into firebrands, and can make MODOKS moves safe with DHC into Luminous Body. Firebrand has some good instant air overheads that can be comboed off with Hawkeye’s assist, while also being a good DHC partner. (Firebrand Flamethrower super DHC into Hawkeye insta-shot super. Hawkeye is an okay anchor.

I like ma team.

Just a question, does Firebrands Air Swoop hit high as an assist? (or even on point?)

Havn’t got the game yet, but im planning on using firebrand as a anchor. Of course it is not set in stone. My question is after playing him do you guys think he can pull off being an anchor?