Well i need help, but i’m not here to only ask for something i’m here to give you good news, I asked to Mattsun if he wants to be interviewed, he accepted, but he has limited english knowledge, so he asked me for help with the english to japanese and japanese to english translation.
Aniken accepted a few months ago too, but my problem is the translation work, can anyone help me with that?.
Also, i want to introduce a new mechanic for interviews, i want to post a thread on srk, No Honor Crew and Socal SF2 group page, then i’ll choose 3 questions from each site/forum/fanpage or group. Then i’ll send the questions to Mattsun(or even aniken) but i need to translate them all first.
I guess i can ask to aniken if otochun is willing to be interviewed too 
And Yes, you can use the interview(s) to post it in other websites that supports ST and fighting games in general.
Best Regards.
To both:
[]What’s your mindset when you play Ken? How do you think he should be played?
[]Have you ever felt like switching characters? Would you counter-pick, if the tournament rules allowed it?
[]Is there trick, technique or strategy which you think people should learn about Ken (e.g. short x2 xx super or installed - a.k.a. preparation - SRKs)?
[]When did you start playing?
[]What are your favorite stage and music in SSF2X?
[]Do you like CE and SF2T?
[]Philcito is gay. Should he play SSF2X? Is X a game for men, only?
[]Nowadays, lots of videos from the Tokyo regions are available to Western players (Europe and Americas). The performance from the likes of you, Nuki, Hakase, Hanashi and so many others is quite impressive. How much SSF2X practice can you have, in a normal week, nowadays?
[](Following the previous question, if he does not already answer it) How much would you practice when you started playing?
[]How’s the tournament scene in the Tokyo area at the moment? Who do you think are the strongest players?
[]Why do you think the sweep-throw-SRK mix-up works so well? Do you think it is possible to play Ken defensively?
[]What’s your technique for reversals?
[](Following the previous question) Should Ken always go for Jab SRK as a reversal - in case he needs a reversal, of course?
[]You have a lot of practice against Tsuji, which we all know is a fierce Boxer player - a character you also use from time to time. Would you please break down the Ken-Boxer MU?
[]There’s this strong Chun Li player in Osaka people talk about. How do you deal with him?
[]How would you compare Boxer, Ryu and Ken, which are characters you use? What’s your opinion about the SSF2 version of those characters?
[]It seems you have been practicing STHD. What’s your view of the game? Do you like Ken? How do you think Ryu and Boxer ended up in that game, in terms of strength and balance?
[]How’s the tournament scene in the Osaka area at the moment? Who do you think are the strongest players?
I know Kuroppi obviously speaks Japanese. I suppose I can help as well if needed, although I’m not that fluent.