Guy thread(any alpha)

You can get a stand lp/duck k, stand mp, stand hk, walk foward a bit, stand hp, qcb+mk, punch super on birdie, and sodom as well. Note though that the level 2 punch super is the only thing that seems to hit with everything. Level 3 for some reason always seems to miss the last hit even though its cleary englufing the other guy shrug… and well level 1 usualy ethier is to low, or misses the last hit…

This works on geif to… But ive only got it once, and that was with NO jump in… So yea I doubt it works on geif with a jump in since I couldnt even really get it with out it… shrug

Still a pretty cool looking combo I think shrug. Also I couldnt get ethier of the combos to work on birdie or sodom mid screen like I could t.hawk.

Blah probably obvious, but vs cody you can get punch super to punch super with certain set ups. Say something like a jump in whatever, stand strong, fierce, mk hurricane kick, punch super, punch super.

You should be able to get stuff like a knee bash to punch superX2, or a bushin throw to punch super X2… but I was lazy so stopped after a few tries shrug… But theorecticly they are pretty high, so its probably possible with timing/distance.

You should also be able to get combo to level one kick super, then punch super, but again I only tried a few times then gave up.

vs thawk(again with a1 guy)…
[stand jab, stand roundhouse]X3, stand foward, slide whatever…

Note that after each roundhouse you have to walk foward a pixle or so and then jab, since you have to be close enough to hit that 3rd rep… shrug… Ive only gotten it once though. Maybe you can acctualy do jab, roundhouseX2, then again walk up and get a bushin combo. But yea again ive only gotten this once… so… good luck with getting that shrug.

Blah blah obvious random stuff or something…

Vs t.hawk you can acctauly get stand mp, stand hk, then do a couple loops of the jab, to roundhouse thing… Hrmm I wonder if its possible to get 4 loops of it… Hrmm… Have to walk foward exactly enough each time maybe…

Hrmm also I wonder if you could get, lp, mp, hk , lp, mp, hk, lp, mp, hp~hk or something.

Sigh to bad all these bigger combos only seem to work vs him. Bummer…

Also maybe obvious but vs t.hawk, this kinda stuff is basicly a kinda instant gaurd break. Since there isnt as much push back or whatever as there is on hit, T.hawk seems pretty stuck besides say alpha counter or reversal(that is if blocking is one frame less then hit stun, no idea what it is in this game shrug), just walk jab, roundhouse, walk jab roundouse… Seems like it would be a pretty tight escape to me.

Also maybe again obvious but knee bash to super does less damage the more hits you get of the knee bash.

Oh other A1 abnormalies, iirc in alpha 1 you couldnt control which direction you wanted to knee bash. But in this you can…

As for random set up maybe vs every character other then a1-a2, knee bash in the corner, hk cross up, f+mp cross up… ooo… tricky… or… something.

T.Hawk is top tier. :looney:

Poor bastard. Has small character stun too.

Yea t.hawks pretty much a big walking target lol…

Anywho a lot of those t.hawk combos can be worked around on, and they will work on rolento as long as you take away a hit or 2, and arent counting those hurricane kick combos. As well obviously he isnt tall enough to get hit by. Say example you can hit the [lp,mp,hk]X2, stand mk, slide etc on him, but you have to walk foward more so then vs t.hawk. I think you could probably also hit the lp,hkX3 vs him as it sure looks like it can hit, but I never got it shrug.

green s-ism guy has some pretty easy corner cc infinites:

bushin chain, jump towards lp, mp, mk, [cc lp, mp, hk] x N

bushin chain, jump straight up lp, d+mp, hk(2 hits), [cc lp, d+mp , hk(2 hits)] x N

and many other variations on these two.

Blah… heres some of those combos with the damage, and dizzy on them. Also note for the damage, damage is fairly random, so there can be as much as say maybe a 10 point diff higher or lower that ive seen shrug…

vs rolento(also note not vs a3 rolento… as apperently hes smaller shrug…)

jump hk, mp, hk, lp, mk, hk, mk, slide 8 hits 72 damage 48 dizzy

mk cross up, duck lk, hk, mp, hk, mk, slide 7 hits 60 damage 44 dizzy

jump hp, lp, mp, hk, mp, hk, mk, level 3 kick super 12 hits 103 damage 40 dizzy

vs t.hawk, sodom, birdie

jump hp, lp, mp, hk, hp(walk foward hp for sodom birdie), mk hurricane kick, level 2 punch super 12 hits 99 damage 42 stun

vs cody

jump hk, mp, hp, mk hurricnae kick, hk hurricane kick, 6 hits 58 damage 33 dizzy

jump hk, mp, hp, mk hurricane kick, level 1 punch super X2, 10 hits 75 dmage 17 dizzy

anti air duck hp, mk hurricane kick, level 1 punch superX2, 71 damage 16 dizzy
level 2 punch super, 75 damage 17 dizzy

Regular characters…

jump hk, bushin combo, level 1 punch super 9 hits 85 damage 22 dizzy
level 3 punch super 11 hits 100 damage 24 dizzy

jump hk, duck lk, mp, hk, hp, slide 6 hits 58 damage 40 dizzy

f+mp(meaty), duck lk, mp, hk, mk, slide 6 hits 49 damage 36 dizzy

vs t.hawk…

jump hp, duck lk, mp, hk, mp, hp, mk hurricane kick, level 2 punch super 13 hits 85 damage 47 dizzy

jump hk, duck lk, mp, hk, bushin combo kara cancle fierce to roundhouse, level 1 punch super 11 hits 82 damage 35 dizzy

level 3 punch super 93 damage 37 dizzy

jump hk, duck lk, mp, hk, lp, mk, hk, mk, level 3 punch super 14 hits 96 damage 45 dizzy

guy a1-a2 stand fierce acctauly wiffs vs a few alpha 3 characters it seems if there ducking… Example say ken and ryu. It can acctauly hit ryu at a very specific range, but for say someone like ken, guys stand fierce just goes through ken no matter what range, when comboed to whatever. Pretty dum.

also guys flip in his super can go through a3 characters bodies.

Hey how do you do Guy’s teleport? dd & p or k are not working for me. Does this not work in anthologies? Is the timing really difficult or something? It is X-ism Guy right?

I’ve been playing Guy in A2 for a while and I’ve noticed besides the Custom Combo Glitch allow extra juggle potential after a CC is over (via the Anthology Guide), that there seems to be a “glitch” similar to Proximity Cancelling with Guy via Alpha 3. I’m not sure what the actual precursor it is for it to work consistently but it seems that whenever guy whiffs the Roundhouse in his FF chain that when I would hit Fierce again, instead of the normal default fierce punch…he would end up doing the Fierce that is designated for the FF chain. Does anyone know how to consistently do this? And if so, what does this do for Guy’s combo potential?

When I saw Whiff, I’m not meaning that I whiff the entire combo, just the Roundhouse. This usually seems to happen if the character blocks the first 3 hits of the FF chain. I’m at work right now so I can’t test it anymore.

okay a3 guy, ive been having alot of problems countering jumpins with a and then cancelling it into a bushin flip or any other special, the timing just seems really tight for some reason, if i do a cr.lp it always works, but the mp just seems weird

im getting a counter-hit everytime btw

unlike alpha 1 ,Guy is terribly hard to master in alpha 3 .
Even on combo , he has to do perfect timed move and so on .
You can also do stand LP , cancel Bushin flip .Timing is hard , but you have to hit punch for the throw late ,when he is about to be down .
cheers :stuck_out_tongue:

Well folks, I need some A3 Guy help … How do you consistently stop decent aggresive A-Chuns from crossing me up like crazy. Has Guy anything, which beats her jump SK. I tried really hard and found ways against V-Shotos, A/V-Vega … even my arch enemy X/A/V-Gief, but Chun … I just can’t handle this women. -_- When they go all out, jumping like crazy and getting random counterhit combos in ground fighting, I’m lost 90% of the time. Her Jab and crouch FP is damn good in stopping Guy’s poking game and bringing on hers. For now I always switch to the V-Shoto I’m the most comfortable right now or Charlie, however that doesn’t help my Guy. Any help would be nice, I need some stuff to get Chuns down …

Oh and another thing, how do you practise the SP, FP chain. It just comes out randomly when I try and my hit confirming afterwards is anyway not good. Some hints to train these to things also guys?

I’m totally with you there, since i played against quite some Chun’s. You can’t aa her on the ground (like a lot of characters that don’t have a shoto-style c.HP), c.LP doesn’t work well if you are not in the exactly rigth position. I discovered that j.MP works well for me against her j.LK. Guy’s jump is fast and high, which is good against Chun (her j.LK has a weakness directly under her and above leg level), and j.MP is Guy’s highest priority air move it seems. If you get a counter hit , follow ups are possible (though a little difficult … at least for me), like s.MP/s.MP-HP xx qcf HP-HP.

Thanks for the input, seems I got to go jump happy in these fights. :sweat: I need to test this.

I think cr.lp, bushin throw is what most people use.

personally, I like using well timed standing c.rh on mass jumpers. it completly misses them and whiffs but it moves you forward so that their jump attack clears over you and also misses. then it’s whatever you want to do it punish. :wink:

Well, that is a nice thing to have with the c.JP into Grab or c.SP into something, but it doesn’t really work against Chuns j.SK madness, exspecially the cross up situations. I think that slide thing is also not so hot, because Chun is fast and will just jump right back on top of you when you just recover from the slide. However, I’ll try that slide tactic soon and see for myself how it works controlled, thx.^^ At least I think you meant the slide, c.FK (foreward kick = medium kick) would be a typo I guess.

Would be cool if Guy had more upperbody invicibility in his hurricane kick.

i meant close standing roundhouse sorry bout that.

i know what your saying the cross up stuff is gay. but almost every chun i’ve played uses a pattern. usually if you patient you can see it and counter jump, then air throw or whatever before they can attack.

Oh, never thought about this with a s.RK, I’ll try that tomorrow for sure.

Btw, sry for the late repley, but I’m at work right now. I tested a straight jump up air throw today after reading here and it worked against some late cross ups of Chun. Thx for the hint. :slight_smile: