Guy going for the 300th mission on MK9!

wearenotbrother20 on

He just decalered
"I’m going for mission 300, nonstop no skipping."

Join us and check it out!!!:badboy:

Drama unfolding as I type.

here’s the rundown. I just got on, and he was on challenge 256. The broadcaster stops because he got a PM from the JTV staff saying to stop broadcasting or he’ll be banned. Now there is a JTV staff member trying to explain that even though he has the actual retail copy of the game he can’t broadcast because it’s not officially released yet.

EDIT: Oh man the broadcaster is pushing on. QUOTE: “well heres the deal ill stop streaming if edboon asks me to stop”

Still on now! he’s doing 300 now

That dude isn’t beating 300, not without knowing any goddamned combos.


He just beat it, so I geuss you’re wrong huh?

so what is the mission?

wow, what a tragedy I missed this history in the making