Guy AE v.2012 Changes Thread

If SfxT keeps having problems or just completely fail as a game (probably close), I’m not sure were going to get a 2013 edition. Capcom is going to be to busy trying to fix that game instead. The thing that makes me salty is that, Guy was never meant to be good in SF4. He was meant to be good in SfxT. The thing is, I don’t like SfxT like that, I rather play SF4. ‘This is why I don’t like tier lists’. Capcom made a bad decision concerning Guy. If theres no 2013 update, I probably want be playing SF4 anymore. I may play SfxT for kicks though (Guy and Lars). I’m more excited for Halo 4 and Black Ops 2.

RE6 will be my initial break from Fighting games until I beat it full on over.

1 EX BSK is Guys only good “get off me” move and you cant FADC it, but even if you could it would cost 3 meters, so give Light or medium BSK more priority so they can be used in situations were we normally go for EX, but without burning meter.
2. U1’s damage scaling needs to be changed the same way Makotos Ultra 1 was changed in AE

If they increase the damage on the first 3 hits but nerf it on the last hit which leads into the cinematic, it would be more viable mid screen were the full Ultra wont connect.

3.Increase the push forward on U1’s 3rd hit so it will connect full screen, but Nerf the push forward on the last hit back to what it was in regular AE/Super so the overall distance is the same. Currently only the first 2 hits connect, a lot of characters have viable combos into ultra that dont fully connect into the last cinematic hit, such as Yang.

  1. Make U1 comboable after FF chain, just like Deejay can combo from Super into Ultra1, so less need to FADC into the corner.
  2. More meter gain off at least 1 of Guys specials, preferably LP Hozanto, so its easier to build meter when possible.
  3. Would be nice if Standing RoundHouse was a better anti air, like Sakuras crouching fierce.

Yeah I agree that U1 should vacuum for mid-screen functionality, in the same way that Space Opera Symphony does. Also, the 1st hit of U1 reaches further than hit 2. The other night I was playing a Deejay who I was sure was in U1 range, so I waited for him to fireball and did it on reaction. The first hit got him clean, then he blocked all the other hits and punished me. In my mind, that should NOT happen!

Little rant incoming o_O
I honestly have tried to get into SFxT so many times but I simply find the game annoying me. There are far too many mechanics: Switch Cancel, Cross Rush, Cross Arts, Cross Assault , Pandora Mode, Gems, EX attacks, Supers, Ultras, Auto combos, I mean arrrggghhh It just becomes this mess in my opinion.
I’m someone who never could get to grips with Marvel due to too many options like advancing guard, having to learn multiple characters and their matchups etc so maybe its just me. But then again any time I play it ends in time-outs and people in general seem to dislike the game.
I know I’m going to end up buying the DLC to see if I can salvage something from the €50 I bought the game with /o\

I hope I can get into SFxT, I really do, but I honestly have spent more time with SSF4ae than with KOF13, SoulCalibur5 or SFxTK which are under the tv as I type (kof13 and sc5 are awesome I guess I should say that)
But yeah I would buy a new SF4 in a heartbeat if I felt it was the definite version, a finished polished version of what we are playing now. Going to trails mode and have to revert back to Super is just weird considering the amount of people playing this game, the market is there but I guess Capcom figured SFxT would take over :confused:

Downloading the demo now :slight_smile: I’m trying to keep my expectations as low as possible after I didn’t really like 5. Played through the REmake on the Cube again a while back… still one of the greatest games ever made imo.

yeah, I think Guy is lacking in a usable FADC move. I substitute ex run stop instead but thats beyond risky for obvious reasons. I guess xIROCx is right in that Capcom dont want Guy to be a force in this game :frowning: Some of the decisions have been mind boggling.
Just an example) Look at Seth, Ryu, Chun, Bison, Rufus, Juri etc all have a two strike jumping attack that juggles, all (i’m pretty sure) can land naked Ultra of this and instead Guy, who needs an Ultra setup in the worst way does get a two strike air attack that juggles… but its a neutral jump HK with terrible startup and pushes too far >:(

Maybe because Guy can alter his Jump angle Capcom consider him a threat along the lines of Rufus and the twins and are afraid of breaking him. They must know that low moves avoid airborne Guy though… dont they… (crys)

Only Chris’ story will have the RE5 feel but even in Chris’ story I was shedding tears at getting Empty ammo and have to resort to the secondary weapon, Jake reminds me of RE4 and Leon obv old school feel

We should play some SFxT together dude. I actually enjoy playing the game because it’s fun, but it’s just totally brainless. When I play SSF4, I feel like I’m playing chess. Everything has to be carefully considered and calculated, you have to think a few moves ahead. But SFxT is basically just constant rushdown pressure and spamming jab. There’s no real mixup game after knockdown, the slow ass throws are basically useless because jab beats them. Quite simply, it’s just more of a pick up and play, have some fun kinda fighting game. If you compare it to the complexities of SSF4, you will always be disappointed. You just have to accept it as it is! But I will never be able to take it as seriously as SSF4, like most of the FGC don’t. Bit of a flop for Capcom I think, and they seem to be having quite a few of those lately!

One thing in sfxt guy can’t spam standing jab from what I’ve been told

Seriously? That’s one of Guy’s best rush-down tools. Hopefully is Run > Stop pressure remains intact.

Yeah I’m used to his stand jab whiffing, I normally use cr lp or lk in Alpha and AE.