Guts Galore MK9 Tournament @ Proving Grounds Gaming 5/14 Killeen TX

Tournament Starts 5pm CST
PS3 Console
$5 Venue
$10 Per Player
$2 Per Spectator
70,20,10 Payout
BYOS (bring your own stick)
Location: 810 N WS Young Dr. Killeen TX 76543
Phone: 254.338.4830 Call after 4pm for info
Website: Proving Grounds Tournament Gaming Center

11 Playstations available
Live Stream
100inch Projector for finals and some matches

Pizza place next door for food
Hookah lounge next door to chill

Hell yeah count me in on that shit. This gonna be fun. John, did u ever decide to run a 2v2 teams tournment that day too. If so sign me and korey up. Lol

Ill post a signup here the day off and announce it towards the end of the 1v1 tourney.

(I’ll be there)

Sign my up, Scottie!


Damn, I really wanted to come to the next Proving Grounds tournament, but I got one of those rare Saturday work days for being a teacher. I really am into MK too!!

I’m in.

And I’m down for Team Scorpwolf.

im in suckas

There will be a Tag signup after the 1v1 Tournament. Forgot to add that

I talked to the UCC guys (Kent and Jeff) and we could get this sanctioned last minute to become the 1st tourney of the new season, but I made the decision to not have it sanctioned. There is a city meet up in Houston this weekend where most people will be participating in (something we are doing once a month) so the turnout isn’t going to be there. This was more of a local thing anyway, but at the time, there wasn’t anything scheduled and was just recently announced. Also, I was going to suggest throwing in MvC3 in there to draw more people, but it is just too short of a notice.

If you want to do something bigger, just hit me up to discuss and we’ll work something out. Being the To for Central Texas I want to make sure that I am not stepping on anyone toes, yours including. I want this to be a collaborated effort. KTB and PG.

Anyway, here is what I’m suggesting for a ‘special’ prize for top three finishers:

Sponsorship towards their next MK tourney. How this will work is PG will cover the entry fee. (Nothing more) Of course, this is just a start. Have someone representing the venue for the purpose of drawing business. I know I joked about it on the PG forums, but this time I’m serious. You can also make limitations, rules, and etc. IE, if a player cannot travel to the next MK tourney, then they will forfeit that sponsorship and it will be awarded to an ‘alternate’. I don’t know, I think its a cool idea. It doesn’t even have to be an MK tourney out of town, but seeing as the purpose is to promote PG, that could be addressed in the limitations and rules. Like, they have to wear their shirt or must pass out flyers and business cards at that event.

*PG Gemini Knight
*PG Sabuna Alucard
*PG Tha Shizzle
all attending San Antonio’s next tourney

** Example*

Lots more to talk about, John. Probably if I’m able to drop by tonight.


Sounds cool.

Stop by and we’ll talk about it

Oh BTW, you might want to make some rules, like no parry glitching. That is banned arcross the US.