Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- one of life's gilty pleasures

Slayer, please.

Robo-Ky, please.

I wonder what Venom’s new move is.

Kill it with light.

Both May and Millia look great. Nothing like BlazBlue girls which was my biggest fear.

Somewhere along the line Chipp became best friends with a joestar

Dolphin ride? Ride on dolphins from the hoop setups? Sounds interesting.

I gotta say, I am not really digging the new artwork that’s been coming out lately, especially for Sol and Chipp. The anime style art kinda works for May, but from the waist up Sol and Chipp are just deformed and grotesque. Why does a ninja even need arms that thick? Same for Venom from the waist down. He’s got, like, horse legs or something. Maybe I’m just old and set in my ways but I don’t feel like this extreme anime-style art really suits a lot of the characters.

Potemkin used to remind me of toguro, now he kind of looks like a looney tunes character. Its whatever because we’re gonna get their original costumes down the line.

And shit, did everyone in the game hit the gym bulking for a couple of years? Everyone is buff as shit, save for potemkin whos always like that. Venom did NOT skip leg day

pot’s shoes look dumb as fuck

Until we see the characters in action, it’s hard to be disappointed over some character portraits.

Wow great, now we have May,Venom,Chipp, amd… Panzerfaust? (lol I know it’s Potemkin)

Can’t wait to see them in action and I hope to see more characters not to far from now :slight_smile:

venom tho… 8)

Maybe ASW just thinks that it’s a prerequisite for any male 3D model in a fighting game to look like they’re on steroids. Can’t say I blame them.

It’s become a horrible trend in fighting games recently. Did Capcom start this with SFIV?

I would say so. Can’t wait to see super buff Bridget for the meltdowns.

Nah man, Millia’s rocking that KFC bucket hat now.

Technically, Capcom’s characters have been on steroids since 1992.

That said, I see this trend more as going away from the anime “noodle person” designs in Blazblue than an attempt to copy Capcom.

Everyone has new designs outside of Venom, Honestly for some of these character designs are a matter of it growing on you after seeing them for a while. On another Note Mike Z must be ecstatic about the new Potemkin.

And no one should be copy them anyway.

BB designs aren’t noodley at all, and I really really do not like Xrds art syle.