Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- one of life's gilty pleasures

Looking it right now, they can leave it as it is, it already has 3 X :rock:

Sadly, no XXXkull.


Well, time to make my own XXXkull

yo for realsies that sounds sick. I have it on my ps3 so whenever you want to game HMU. you can PM me for my number and we can work something out <3

If you look really closely it looks like a goat skull. Or a pentagram. ALL HAIL OUR SATANIC OVERLORDS, ARC SYSTEM WORKS.

Holy shit, call Kotaku. This needs to be made known. Think of the children!

Just did! I hope they get on it! I don’t want innocent children to die!

Been trying to look for the specs of the RingEdge 2 boards, but all I could find are those for the RE1.

So it would be safe to assume that the RE2 has higher specs in terms of the CPU, GPU and RAM.

As for what this means for Xrd’s console ports? Not much so far. The only RE2 game we’re familiar with at the moment is AC+R and that obviously isn’t taxing the system - I suspect putting it on the boards was more of a way for Sega to get as many RE2 boards out there as quickly as possible.

And it’s not like the UE3 Engine is out of current hardwares league or anything, probably why they went with it.

Those 3d models are so good I thought they were 2d. Good sh!t Arc!

Indeed. Your move, Capcom.

I wonder if there will be alternate costumes since it’s 3d models

The question is “will it make Arc money?” Answer that and you get your most likely answer.

If Capcom makes Darkstalkers 4, they’d probably try to make similarly detailed models to Xrd… except Morrigan would have her MVC3 model.

whats to even say capcom will try to mimic this? they didnt try to mimic KOF13 at all

instead of praying and hoping capcom does it, just be happy SOMEONE out there is

Naw. They’d use the exact same shading as Xrd is doing… except her model is rendered at 240p.

So uh…I’m learning the bitch with the guitar.

My hands don’t feel so great.

Going I-No, bro? That bitch is pure finger gymnastics, good luck.

But when you do master her, though… ohohoho. You get stuff like this:


pirate dizzy DLC outfits would make arc enough to fund the next 15 years of GG games

Can you please upload all the sprites that were on your old website somewhere?