Following cancelling a boom against Ryu’s Hadoken, I hit him with the tip of a f+MK Sobat.
What next?
Inclination is go to for a d.MK, maybe another and throw a boom.
Even though those two moves don’t combo, the frame advantage on both is good enough to stuff everything Ryu does, but you know he may just be good enough to mash a jab DP out of it.
However, immediately following those two MK’s, you can go for a boom / flashkick right?
The risk seems negligable, I’d go for the two d.MK’s.
Maybe next time a d.MK, whiff two rapid fire jabs, boom.
Of course you nail him with back fist following the boom/hadoken cancel you push him too far out, what then?
walk forward, f+MK sobat?
walk forward, d.MK?
I love going for meaty d.MP’s xx boom against my bro, but I realize he’s not good at Reversals in the game yet, and that shit could be thrown since you’re so close.
Nothing wrong going for a meaty boom following a knockdown though.
I always found it interesting how whiffing jabs fast while charging sorta keeps them at the ideal range you left them at, they can’t walk back right? Or is my memory fucked up?
In this situation, what is the ideal high-priority poke that stuffs things…
ye’oldie d.MK? (keeping it in check to bait DP’s?)
This situation doesn’t seem limited to just fighting Ryu, it’s pretty much vs any fireball character that’s a threat…
Ryu, hadoken, DP
Chun, kikoken, Super (walk speed, throw, s.MP)
I’d go for s.HK more often were it faster, and were this CvS2 :lol: