Guile punching bag here asking for advice

Yes. Im a punching bag. I absolutely hate this horrid matchup. I was hoping some of you would be kind enough to tell me whats the best way to avoid both ultras at least.

Any help in overall strategy would be great.


I feel like this is the wrong place to ask this since most of us don’t play Guile. If you want us to point out weaknesses, zone out with Sonic Booms and Air Throws for starters. Also, on okizeme, make sure to grab him on his wakeup.

Air throw air throw air throw airthrow air throw air throw air throw air throw.

If you didn’t do anything when ultra spark flashes. Jump.

Guile has FAR better normals.

Don’t flash kick tortilla. If fuerte knows he can make you auto correct wrong and stun your ass.

Air throw

Lp boom. Always lp. You wanna recover fast.

Air throw.

Don’t get knocked down.

Oh and before I forget. Air throw.

Pick yun or fei

Thanks guys. If anyone is up for some mixup practice, add me on PSN: OnlineGarbage
Any takers?

Oh ya and get xbox.

Will be getting one soon

its basically a knock down game really, jus dont herp derp random wake up flash kick and yea AIR THROW.

also, play starcraft 2 instead, way better game

you’re air throw beats tostada,tortilla and guacamole either you’re a scrub or you’re just not mashing hard enough

Dont do flash kick on wake up. A properlly spaced tortilla will make you auto correct wrong. And then you die.
Guile’s Air Throw means that quite frankly. Fuerte has NO business in the air. Ever. If he’s in the air when you are upright, you are doing something wrong.
crMK -> Overhead. Air throw him all damn day.keep him floored.
Slow booms to Five-Knuckle-Shuffle when he has no meter.
Air throw him all damn day.keep him floored.
The biggest factor in this game is speed. if the match is going fast paced. Guile’s going down. if the pace has slowed, Fuerte’s in trouble.
The biggest factor in this game is speed. if the match is going fast paced. Guile’s going down. if the pace has slowed, Fuerte’s in trouble.