Guile Combo Thread: Flash Kick FADC *shades*!

Charge db -> Focus Attack Dash Cancel(assuming you dash forward) -> db uf + 3K

Thanks dude. I’ll give it a shot later today.

So for the fadc to ultra we do a focus attack then dash or dash then focus attack?

focus attack than dash

Good shit 'kun. Mad props. :tup:

So I just came up with an idea for a bad ass reset.

Say you do a fat combo that puts your opponent in stun. You could FA into another combo for shit damage, but then I thought, why not FA into air grab? Air grabs won’t count as part of the combo right? Cause it’s a grab?

Nope. They do. Air grab got scaled down :frowning:

Might be a useless post, but just putting it out there just so the rest of the Guile players know.

Long time lurker. Much very long time lurker actually.

Thank you all very much for this and all other threads. Guile is my main damie and you all have helped me not suck as much.

Would like to point out that any early AA flash kick strength, so long as they’re near the top of their jump, will be able to juggle into the ultra or super. The super provides 415 damage if you use the light kick variant, otherwise you only get 1 hit of the second jump.

So, if they’re close and jumping-- lk FK,
if they’re far away-- rh FK

After practicing this for awhile and seeing how relatively easy that is to do, it makes me a little more alright with guile’s ultra. Not quite Abel’s “Hey I hit you here’s my ultra” or Gouken’s “Sup you got thrown” but it’s at least something you can semi-consistently do to confirm the ultra.

Determined to combo from guile’s sickest normal (close roundhouse) i picked every character and set counter hit to on.

WARNING: extremely flashy stuff.

close HK, c.LK, s.LP, S.HP - Honda, Sagat, Vega, Abel, Rufus
close HK, s.LP, S.HP - Sim, Fei, Gief, Seth, Gen
close HK, c.LP, c.MP, FK/SB/Super etc - Honda, Gouken, Gief
close HK, c.LK, c.LK, s.LK - Chun, Bison
close HK, c.LK, s.LK - Everyone but: Guile, Boxer
close HK, c.MP - Everyone but: Sakura

did anyone yet notice that there is still a situation
i.e ur ex sonic boom can catch ur oppenent if u do it right after he/she has jumped over a light puch sonic boom?

i may be wrong but still there is possibility
very informative guile post

i think i have done that a few times i think you can also get people with an ex sb when you trade a cr hp with someone who jumped in

also here is a combo i like to do on characters like sagat or opponents who are very large

c.lp x s.lp x c.lp x s.lp link s.hp
it does satisfactory damage and when you do the alternating crouching and standing you can get more hits in. i think you can also do something like

c.lp x s.lp x c.lp (link) x sb to a backnuckle punch

you can only do the standing lp on crouching large characters or ones that are smaller but are standing (which they usually arent)

nope. c.hp doesn’t put op into juggle.

That many light punches kills the damage on the s.hp and (as you’ve pointed out) whiffs on crouching characters who have a normal sprite. I generally go for:

c.lp s.lp s.hp or c.lp sb

You might also enjoy: s.lp s.hp [follow-up]

Best meter free focus combo on gief:

FA–> b/f.HK, close jab, s.HP*2

This isn’t in that focus attack follow up video for some reason.

I imagine this would work vs Abel and maybe Dictator as well?

According to Gilley’s damage scaling chart the combo should do either 361 or 392 depending on if the first HP does 70 or 120. Either way that’s pretty damn good damage, especially consuming no meter.

Experimented in Training mode and set the training dummy (ryu) on neutral jump.

An early LK Flash kick > then a LK Super will do 415 points in damage, which is more than the ultra which does 400 points as Slinkun had stated in the first post of this thread. I found this VERY surprising but meh:wonder:

*You will get maximum damage if the LK super is done just before the opponent lands on his back plus you get all 6 hits in. if done too early, you will not get maximum damage.

  • If using the HK super is used you only get 4 hits and the the opponent flipping to the opposite site. Damage is less than the LK Super

LK Super is therefore the best option to use off an Early AA LK Flash Kick if you have a full super metre. Anyway, this may be an irrelevant piece of info to some of you guys

Try late hk.FK>lk Super. you lose the Ultra juggle but it’s nice bit of dmg.

Early FK > Super was too inconsistent for me.

i’ve also been trying out far > sb against jumpers. it’s a nice change of pace, forces them to deal with a projectile on landing, & is same damage as shoto’s mk if trades.

Isn’t that kind of asking to be Ultra’ed or Super’ed? or worse they use a projectile invincible move to get over the sb?

I mean, it kind of depends on whether you’re going to attack or not. There are some shoto users are good enough to time (seeing these guys do this more and more now) their to go under the sonic boom and still connect with you.

hey can anyone make me clear for what specific reason guile’s FA is ‘great’?
i thought FA was the same for all :sweat:

it comes out fairly quick and has a pretty good range

also here is a combo that i have been experimenting with that does 310 damage and is pretty simple (it can be modified quite a bit though) > x > >

it’s pretty easy and after the sb you have to mash and then mash

you can add stuff before but then you have to dash after the sonic boom (FADC) and you can end it differently if you wanted, but i am happy with the combo how it is now, it’s simple and does quite a bit of damage

does that single x mean focus cancel?
btw i can do the combo only at corner :frowning: