Guide for Street Fighter V - Free Mobile app for iOS and Android - MOVE PUNISHER + FRAME DATA ADDED!

Are you referring to the custom combos or the overall layout? I doubt the overall layout will be made customizable. I have been contemplating an “all moves” section right at the top though, that would literally be all the moves in 1 list, since I’ve had a few people ask me about it, and it would be simple to implement.

Thanks again for the great feedback. I realize there is some data currently missing. As I mentioned in the update, I’m using the community driven frame data that is on the public google doc that I believe gilley started. Once those are updated I plan to go in and update the information again.

This is the frame data I used for the app -

Also, I would not put anything the prima guide says as fact, because I have had all the prima guides from SF4 to KI, and they have all been error ridden. Just something to keep in mind.

The iOS frame data update is out for review right now so it should be released within 24 hours I’m hoping.

I’m currently on vacation but on my flight here I worked on the move punisher tool for iOS, and on my flight home (Saturday) I am planning to get it done for Android, and have it released on both by the end of the weekend. This tool will definitely come in handy for leaning matchups and what you can and can’t punish and with what moves you can punish.

Pretty sure he means reordering the Custom Combo list because having them listed in the order they are created is not ideal. Would be great if this could be implemented.

Yeah that is doable for sure since that list isn’t global, it’s an individual basis.

Also, the iOS frame data update is now live.

Ah, I see. Yeah, the Prima guide might not always be right. It’s kind of hard to test the startup of the j.LPs and j.MPs. However, you were right about the frame advantage on the normal Flying Barcelona Attack (strike) (hand). In fact, the frame advantage on hit for the normal FBA (strike) (hand) can be more than +7~8, as I can link Vega’s c.HK (9f startup) after a deep hit.

Finished up the move punisher tool. It’s a tool to quickly tell you what moves your character can punish for your opponent, and how many frames you have to punish them.

Here’s a quick video of how it works on the iOS version:

The Android version has been uploaded so expect the update shortly, and the iOS one has been submitted so probably a week or so for it to be available.

Move Punisher is now available on iOS!

That was one of the quickest turn arounds ever for iOS.

Hello, thank you for your great work.
I wanted to know if you will put the command of each moves after their name in Move Punisher, sometimes when i look to something i only see the name and im not sure what command it is.
I know i can go to each charaters to see the command but it can be easier if they’re also in Move Punisher.
Thats not urgent but if you have time and if you want that would be nice.

Well , I want you to keep on talking, as i know the Apple’s products and software are too closed and integrated.If you’re operating between iPhone and Android, unfortunately, you’re doomed to fail