GTASF/TOSF at Tokyo Game Action

I elected to just edit the first post I made about GTASF @ TGA.

I plan on finally going to Tokyo Game Action for their Ranking Battle on Saturday April 14th. I missed the chance to go last time due to a few reasons. The people that came back from TGA the first time had nothing but great things to say about the venue and I want to see it for myself. If we have more than 5 people I’ll be renting a van but for the time being it looks like I’ll just take my car. Right now it’s…


That leaves 5 potential spots. TGA is 3S and CvS2 oriented so keep that in mind when you’re gauging calibre of competition. I’m sure the Marvel heads will get their fill but it won’t be insanely high comp. If you’d like to go please post here or find me on MSN/#gtasf.

Bump from a few months back…

Lol, I wonder if I can still make it over the border. Chalk me up I guess until Bush says otherwise.

Count me in.

We still have slots available to go to TGA next weekend.


We still have 3 seats as I’ll be renting a van for the trip. This will be a good chance to play against a lot of US comp in various games and a good tune up for EVO East in six weeks. Anyone interested?

what time is departure and arrival back home?

I’m in.

We’d be leaving early Saturday and back Sunday evening.

Nathan; good shit.

damn Im down for this given that there is still space

:tup: Glad to hear it :tup:

OK, the team is locked up.


Interesting group this time around with strong rep in every game. Hopefully we can clean sweep TGA this time around.

I booked the van with Enterprise (I always go with them) this morning.

The van rental is pretty cheap for 7 as it’s $170 for the four day weekend. However, where the stinger is is in the kilometres as it’s a 850km trip each way and we only get 600km free.

170/7 = $24.30

(1150 x .15)/7= $27

So everyone owes me $52 for the van and then we split gas 7 ways probably for another $25 each as it should be about 3 full tanks for a minivan.

There is also one other issue. Considering we have to cross the Niagra border and everyone is already on the east end, I wanted to know if it was possible for a driver or two to drive everyone up to Hamilton. We’d only need one driver as Gerjay could find his way here Friday after classes are done so there’s five people left. My building has ample parking in the back and I leave my car there sometimes for a week at a time without using it. For me to drive the van across the GTA to get everyone and come all the way back is not only completely out of the way but would add an extra 100+km on the van as well. Please find me on MSN or post here if you can accomodate.

Outside of food and registration (I think they charge the same as we do for our monthlies) there are no other costs. We’ll have housing so that’s not an issue.

The plan is to leave early (and by that I mean at like… 5am) on the Saturday morning so we can get there for the early afternoon. The easiest scenario on everyone is to just crash at my apartment (it’s small but it’ll accomodate) on the Friday night. If you guys want to come the Saturday morning that’s fine by me as well as I’ll be driving anyway and you guys can catch up on sleep (bastards!). It’s a one day tournament and as Stephen pointed out, the place is basically in the middle of nowhere so leaving on the Friday would be a waste of time. We’ll play through the day and then head back Sunday morning in time to get everyone in the evening.

Sounds difficult. I’ll talk to you about it after death week v.2787298734 is over. Stupid UofT likes screwing you over.

Something came up and I won’t be able to go anymore. Sorry guys, I know you’ll miss my company. :sad:

More chance for me to win 3S :stuck_out_tongue:

Jay and Brandon have both dropped. We need two more people. Anyone else care to go?


Lets reach texas 27-29 that shit is hype!!!

Sorry Justin, I won’t be able to reach TGA with you guys. Ive been quite busy with a few situations I have at home and me just up and leaving won’t help it so I can’t go.
I know you wanted to go cuz f me but look on the bright side, you still have a tough group going down AND I’m still going to Evo east/north no matter what.

So basically everybody dropped out? :frowning:

bring the lord, its your only option NOW

sucks for gerjay, coulda won his first american tournament