GRAVITY BREAKERS: New Character VALERIA + free demo!

Yeah similar concept, except higher res and hopefully better animated. So more like this:

Fair enough. Cosmic Carnage really bothers me for a number of reasons not the least of which is the animation. lol

That looks good though.

One of the cool things about using a skeleton-based system is we can do alternate skins. I’d love to allow users to make their own custom skins and share them through Steam Workshop.

As a fan of Cosmic Carnage’s visuals (in concept), and as someone who’s been waiting for a really solid flight-based fighter: I’ve got my eye on this.

Basic movement implementation :smiley:

We’re slowly adding in attacks. We’ll have some simple combos working soon hopefully…

What do you guys think of the hitsparks?

We added the Personal Space Barrier to prevent characters from passing through each other.

Except when you are dashing.

Cardinal can also shoot fireballs from his feet :open_mouth:

I wonder what this Cardinal guy sounds like. For some reason I’m picturing a very Starscream/Adon-like voice.

That venom strike animation looks really nice and fluid. Good progress.

@PsychoJosh hmm I was imagining something less high pitched and not menacing… The first thing that comes to mind is Jaleel White’s Sonic from the 90’s.

@Cronopio Thanks!

Hey everyone, I’m the programmer helping @truendymion on this exciting game. I believe in incremental development, so we’re building it up piece by piece, with lots of playtesting and refinement as we go.

He’s too modest to say so, but @truendymion is an experienced professional animator. That (and his extensive experience with fighting games) is what is going to make this game so awesome. I can write clean, reliable code, but without a great design & animation, there’s no magic. So I’m having a blast working with him, and I hope you’re all going to love this game as much as we do!

I envisioned Nova’s voice from MvC3