Grappler noob has a question

Hey, everyone.  I’m currently on a quest to find a main in SSFIV AE 2012, and the next character I’m interested in trying is Hakan.  I’ve never played a grappler <b>ever</b> in any fighting game, so this is a more general question: what are the key two or three things a noob should keep in mind when learning a grappler?  While learning other charcters, I’ve focused mainly on blocking and anti-airing.  This reduces the learning process to simple digestible pieces, but I feel like those key elements would be different for a grappler.  Any help is appreciated!

Generally grapplers have slow walk speed so you should work on closing in and space control, your anti air must be on point and as much as possible not walk backwards. learn to get into your ideal grab range safely and also learn to push your opponent towards the corner. it aint easy though. <br>

@dance robot:<br>I saw once ago something like a guide for grapplers. You should look there.<br><br><br><br>About Hakan some pages:<br><br>There is first at all a Hakan forum here:<br><br>You can find there a lot of help, you are needing , if you want to play with Hakan.<br><br>This is also a good page, you can find information about framedata or other stuff.<br><br>I also main him, it makes a lot of fun to play with him, but he is really hard to play and also hard to understand, how he works.<br>But the fact is , he is a different kind of grappler you might know, he differs great from Zangief or Hawk, additionaly he has also to buff himself temporary. So he can use tools like the ability to combo from a lvl 1 FA into a different normal. He can also cancel from a dash into a normal attack or gets better range on his command grabs. His normal attacks get different properties, for example F.HK can knockdown.<br>Just as i wrote, he is hard to use and you will go through a hard learning procedure to get better with him, Gief is easier.<br>He is certainly not recommend for beginners and you will lose a lot of with him at the beginning, but he is rewarding with his victories.<br><br>What i want to say is, if you want to learn, how to use a grappler, then you should maybe begin with Zangief, he can teach the grappler basics easier than Hakan, but if you want, you can still try Hakan out, however he has different tools that are for sure harder to learn than those Zangief has.<br>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor” style=“font-weight: normal;”><a href="/profile/84629/Oilforthewin">Oilforthewin</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText” style=“font-weight: normal;”>-snip-</div><div class=“QuoteText” style=“font-weight: normal;”><br></div><div class=“QuoteText”><b>Oilforthewin</b>, thanks for all the info and links to those resources.  I think after considering what you said, I probably am going to try Zangief first.  I think Hakan might have too much complexity to approach as a new-ish player.  I’ll definitely check out that Grappler Guide you mentioned!</div></blockquote>

<blockquote class=“Quote” style=“font-style: normal;”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/74263/dance%20robot">dance robot</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Hey, everyone.  I’m currently on a quest to find a main in SSFIV AE 2012, and the next character I’m interested in trying is Hakan.  I’ve never played a grappler <b>ever</b> in any fighting game, so this is a more general question: what are the key two or three things a noob should keep in mind when learning a grappler?  While learning other charcters, I’ve focused mainly on blocking and anti-airing.  This reduces the learning process to simple digestible pieces, but I feel like those key elements would be different for a grappler.  Any help is appreciated!</div>

No, they’re the same. You just need to be more patient as a grappler.<div style=“font-style: normal;”><br></div><div>People will try to just jump out of your command grabs. You need to have a damaging way to stop them. This is <i>not </i>guessing with Hakan’s U2. You need to learn his jab jab jab xx light slide hit-confirm to catch people holding up.<br><br></div><div>The best thing you can do when someone walks backwards when you’re a grappler is walk forwards. Don’t let them out of the corner when they get there.</div><div><br></div><div>For Zangief, you should learn cr.lp cr.lp cr.lp xx EX Green Hand combos. Use delayed crouching PPP lariat for anti-air, and learn his short jump crossup mixups with and jd.hp. You get this off any Green Hand that knocks down (counter-hit), 360+K command grab, U1 or U2, trade lariat -> EX green hand juggle, and sweep. After an SPD (which you are going to use a lot more than his other grabs because of the huge range) you need to learn to use lp green hand -> far mp to catch people holding up back, lp/EX green hand to catch backdashes (it’s a guess), and lp SPD to catch everything else.</div>

<span style=“font-weight: normal;”>Just use Gief or Makoto if you want a hybrid grappler. Grapplers have the benefit that they can punish a lot of shit that’s usually safe or fairly safe with their command grabs. So figure out which moves are punishable with your grab. A lot of what goes into using a Grappler is slowly moving in, knowing which of your pokes are good for which characters, baiting them to do something and jumping in appropriately, and try to bully them into the corner for</span><div><span style=“font-weight: normal;”><br></span></div><div><span style=“font-weight: normal;”>"</span><b>YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!</b>" </div><div>Alex</div><div><br></div><div>and scaring them with the threat of the command grab. Where you put them in a situation where they think you’re going to grab and they hold up, backdash, or do something unsafe, and you mindfuck them. </div>

<span style=“font-weight: normal;”>Thanks for the tips, guys!  </span><b>Kikuichimonji</b>, the Zangief-specific tips are very helpful, and I’ll definitely be practicing this stuff.

Try not to get frustrated with people that just run away from you constantly too. I played Gief and playing against the typical Shoto users (Especially Akuma) was so frustrating. They got in my head without even knowing it and I get bodied.<div><br></div><div>Take it slow. Eat that chip just to gain real estate. Put them in the corner and go to town. You 100% need to ALWAYS be on point with your AA’s. Get them scared. Keep them on the ground and tell them that jumping is a BIG mistake. Once you install that mindset on them.</div><div><br></div><div>Churn that butter erry day</div>