Grand Theft Auto IV - SRK bangin' on fools (use spoiler tags or you'll be banned)

So it comes out tomorrow sweet, I got sick this entire week and couldn’t even preorder. Imma have to wake up hella early if I want dibs on a copy, thankfully about 75% of the customers at my GS are kids…that should be in school. (Hmm, not unless they ditch for this game - I wouldn’t put it past them)

I can’t get mine till wednesday… :sad: Luckilly I pre-ordered mine so I’ll be cool… :bgrin:

Speaking as someone who’s gotten tired of every GTA within an hour or two, I’m wondering if you guys would recommend I get this. Yes? No?

ha ha ha ha ha.

get two


:u: Will you be online on the PS3 one? My decision hinges solely on that.

half my friends getting it on 360 the other half gettin it on ps3. but i like custom tracks too much :frowning: maybe if i was truely bawllin id get it on both

Supposedly it’s the best GTA so far… Supposedly… I would say pick it up, I don’t see why this isn’t one of the better games out the past few years…

My day today:
1PM: take nap (Its 11:45A)

3PM: get up, get showered, leave, get food

4PM: arrive at work (Gamestop. LOL, I’l already be there Haha)

4-9PM: work

9-10PM: get stuff ready for the game going on sale.

10-10:30PM: let people in, let them pay, give “prepaid” tickets/receipt

10:30-11:59P: Play my PS3. Bringing it for Tekken 5DR. playing against people. Also fish for gamertags of players, for the 360 version, as that the one I’m getting.

12A-12:10A: hand out GTA’s, and strat guides if people get them.

12:15A: Leave, drive as fast a possible.

12:30A-till I pass out: GRAND THEFT AUTO IV. first, a few missions, then some XBOX Live baby!

My day tomorrow. Wake up, 8:30, meet my friend in town at 9:00, go down his, buy the game, get stoned and play some fucking GTA…

My day tomorrow: 8-3:30 fucking work. 3:30-whatever GTA IV

I called my boss for the day off but she read me so easily. “You aint gettin off for a damn video game” :bluu:

If you have leave set aside…you can use it for what you want, right? It shouldn’t matter what your boss says if thats what you want to do. I mean…I don’t think I would but to each his own.

Man I’m chillin’ on Halo 3’s new maps till 8pm then it’s off to Game Crazy to prepay mine.

One question. Can I group up with some friends online just to do some drive by’s? I just want to turn off my headlights and roll up to random dudes walking down the block and light them up.

@captain ryu: of course you can.

wake up 8:00am
go jogging until 9:00am
pick up game from the gallery 10:00am
play it until i get sleepy.

Yes, Yes you can my friend. :slight_smile:

New Zealand and Austraila have it already - a couple folks on my 360 Friend’s List are on it.

I feel sorry for ya’ll in Hawaii - ya’ll will the last motherfuckers on earth to get it :stuck_out_tongue:

i just got a call from gamestop just now saying its ready for me tonite

Man, that the hell else are we going to do??? LOL, COD4 SRK Peeps…all we know is rape and murder son!:rofl:

How far is everyones gamestop or game store from their homes? Mine is like around the corner. You’re seriously there in five if you walk and in a blink of an eye if you drive.

Around the corner here too.

I have like 3 gamestops within 10 mins of my house, also a gamecrazy, fye, blockbuster and mad random toy stores that carry games. Shit is serious around here.

Ace we’re doing this shit tonight! The whole block is getting wet up.