Gouken Safe Jumps

^ it’s all good. Just keep making light of it. :slight_smile:

XWarMachine85x You’ll run into a lot of crazy stuff along the way.

When you forward throw, almost everybody wakes up the same.

Off of sweep will be the biggest thing you’ll have to eye ball, b/c you’ll sweep people at different distances so you’ll need to make adjustments for that.

You’ll also notice a few situations where you want to take 1-2 training blocks back wards or forwards and then jump in.

From the video you put up, it should work on everybody but Shoto’s, Chun Ryu’s Supers, and Armored command grabs. However for shoto’s there’s a way to stuff their dps instead of safe jumping them.

Setting the dummy up to jump is very good to practice though, as long as all of your attacks are hitting below the knees or in the feet like you did on the video you posted.

You can do the same thing with d+mk, just make sure you are hitting in the feet so it will combo… There’s other uses for doing it in their face but you really can’t combo well off of it.

If you hit them in the middle of their shin as they wake, you’ve done a 4 frame safe jump dive kick. Anywhere what and you will get dp’d. I think the first time you almost had it, those other times you were way off.

Like the others are saying, you need to practice on someone else. All shotos-Ken, Ryu, E. Ryu, Oni and then Hawk have 3 frame dp’s. Everyone else had a 4 frame dp and above. Never safe jump the people above.

Gouken is also a special mention. He doesn’t have a 3 frame dp, his is 7, but kongo activates in one frame so he cannot be safe jumped in that regard.

Often times u can find safe jump equivalents on soft knockdown’s…that is perhaps another thread

Tho, it should be mentioned that you can flip kick the back-shoulder to stuff the dp on Ryu, Ken (except mp.dp), ERyu, and Akuma. Oni and Hawk aren’t really stuffable from my experience, but maybe others have figured it out.

-All shoto’s but Oni- you can stuff **every **srk or make them whiff
-Oni- you have to hit his back shoulder and it’s hard as hell to do off of sweep, but if you do forward throw dash forward hk gf it’s pretty easy (no auto-correct even on late inputs)… There’s another one off of back throw but I never do it… I need to check again off of Ultra 1, Ultra 2 as they should work as well… mid-screen sweep is iffy as hell though.
-T. Hawk- When he has Ultra 2… there are set ups on him that avoids all of his dps and his U2 (no auto-correct even on late inputs)

The reason for oni is his bullshit dp and all of his invincibility???

Back-throw unblockable is great (iam mentioned it earlier). It is:

bthrow->jump back->f.dash->hk. demonflip dive kick. Input everything ASAP. Unblockable and all uppercuts whiff, but they can dash out (not sure if you can be punished).

Works on E Ryu, Ryu, Ken, Oni, Akuma… Ibuki? I think.

also giefs u2 can be safe gflipped>slide

Yeah, lol. That thing beats damn near everything… You can actually stuff the mp one, but the hp one hits you in the same set up lol. You just have to put him in a position to whiff.

IIRC his dp is getting nerfed in Ultra… But he gets delayed wake up so… I think I have a work around but I won’t know for sure until I reinstall the pc mod on my Mac.

a mod for a mod …

Are you the same warmachine from PSN that kicked me today? DSC SkyAkuma


Don’t nobody better talk about Mrs Jenkins…!..

Funny. When I input everything immediately, I can land the divekick before I even hit them.

Anyway, I was looking to find some safe jump setups (and others) against Deejay and Yun’s upkicks, lk and ex.

works on Deejay, haven’t tested on Yun:
After cl.hp xx ex palm, dash, sweep, go for hk flip and delay the dive kick.
-Basically, you’re aiming for the back of his head so that a reversal ex upkicks will whiff.
-Strangely, if they execute it in a specific time within the reversal window, the upkicks will hit, but I barely got that to happen so I’ll put my money on that if my opponent can’t time that correctly.
-If they wake up crouching (i.e. they mistime their reversal), this will hit them immediately. If they wake up doing nothing, the dive kick whiffs.
-If you execute the dive kick at the right spacing and time, you can make it difficult for them to time an autocorrect reversal. This is to say this setup is not 100% guaranteed to work, but it (so far) is difficult to beat.
-oddly, if you sub cl.hp with cr.hp, landing the juggled sweep is much harder to do.

works on Deejay and Yun:
**sweep (tested in mid-to-close range; not max range). immediately LK divekick. **
-If you got out the flip and the divekick as soon as possible, both their upkicks can’t hit you in time; LK and EX.
-You’re aiming for their shins and lower.
-As an addition, OS EX tatsu/mp palm to catch a backdash.

f.throw, walk forward a bit, hk dive kick.
-purely manual timing. You’re aiming for the shins and lower for a safe jump.
-There are two points where you can play with timing: the amount you walk, or how long you delay the dive kick during the flip.
-This one is prone to failure if you can’t keep it consistent, but it’s still a safe jump if you can get it.
-As an addition, OS EX tatsu/mp palm to catch a backdash.

These aren’t safe jump setups but…
f.throw, dash twice (maybe add a small step forward), crossup lk/mk.
-Manually time the jump. The “walk” bit may be necessary to get the right spacing to land just past the center of their heads.
-Autocorrected upkicks is possible, but you can change how difficult it will be to make that happen based on where you are in the air in relation to when he can input a reversal.
-If they tend to reversal in the early windows of timing a reversal, this will whiff in the wrong direction.

b.throw, nj hp when they’re falling, walk a bit (alternatively immediately do cr.hp + walk), crossup lk/mk.
-Manually time the jump. The “walk” bit is necessary to get the right spacing to land just past the center of their heads.
-Autocorrected upkicks is possible, but you can change how difficult it will be to make that happen based on where you are in the air in relation to when he can input a reversal.
-If they tend to reversal in the early windows of timing a reversal, this will whiff in the wrong direction.
-This can continue to work so long as they don’t tech the nj.hp. Most people don’t do anything when they seen they got b.thrown so it’s a gimmick in that regard lol.

I think those last two and any derivatives are worth exploring if you’re looking to find ways to get in without getting upkicked for free. When you’re laying down offense, they’re going to be looking for more opportunities to do wakeup reversals. These two are meant to be highly deceptive to get them to think they will be able to catch it easily. Use sparingly if you’re facing better players, abuse it if they’re cracking under pressure. Most dive kicks you try will get beaten by their upkicks due to the nature of them having small hurtboxes and a hitbox that hits above them. Deep dive kicks or late divekicks that aim for their face down to their lower torso will almost always result in getting upkicked. This is why I started exploring what I can do that either deals with the area in the very front of them (safe jumps) or behind them (where wakeup reversals will whiff).

…im learnding mama

^ for Dee Jay and Yun using d+mk to hit them in the feet when they wake up works a lot better b/c their timing is more strict than the norm.

You have the same issue with Guy but he needs meter to do anything invincible.

I’ve been trying out setups with d+mk, but usually I’m getting kicked out of it anyway.

The timing is different that using G Flip. You have to aim to hit them in the feet… you can use it to hit people up high to knock them out of things, but it puts you in a reset state… so it’s not that reliable.

If you hit them in the feet, you can safe jump and fully combo off of it with any of your normals.

Set the dummy to jump on wake up > sweep them > jump in on them and sweep them. Rinse and Repeat. If you can consistently get the 2 hit combo out of it, you’ll have the timing.

. est. 2009