LHAH. I was honestly trying to help em, not to mention I had posted all the answers to what he was testing… Thus the horse not drinking… Anyway.
Blanka gets up from cr. roundhouse differently than the does forward throw. On forward throw his timing seems to be the same as everyone else, but on cr. roundhouse his last wake up animation shows the little orange patch on this hands. It’s like he does a full stand and then he’s hittable, I found this out by recording him spamming electricity then knocking him down and trying to throw him on his wake up. You will realize that it’s not only hard as hell to do but you have to do it crazy late bc of his hit box and wake up timing.
DoIng that should give you an idea of when he’s hittable so you can time your dive kick better… Even harder online. Plinking to activate dive kick works pretty good too and it allows you to get it on the first frame almost everytime.
I normally buffer my dive kick input when cr roundhouse is recovering and the last input is mashing the kick button to activate the flip once Gouken recovers from his sweep. Just like everything else, if you hold up immediately after sweep it will give you the last animation frame for any attack. So when Gouken jumps, it’s normally your cue give or take a frame or 2 bc of pre jump frames.
This is only partially correct.
Just tested this vs. Honda and did not find that OS ex tatsu beat his reversal super or ultra…so take note. That’s 400 or 510 worth of damage. Also, the ex tatsu only catches his ex buttslam on the last few hits for something like 40 or so damage. Better than you getting hit, but it is not a full punish.
Been trying to use the 3 frame safe jump after forward throw (Forward Throw > Immediate C.LK > Pixel walk > Jump in HP)
Am I correct in adding the pixel walk after the low kick? In some cases I walk a bit too far, or just jump straight in after the LK and will get hit/ miss the meaty J.HP hit. Anyone else have difficulty with this one?
Yes, but it’s only used for the timing there of. The only reason the jumping lp works is because of the hit box of the attack, so you end up with 2 things to do right. Safe jump him, and safe jump him from the proper distance.
It’s doable, but I wouldn’t waste too much time on this one, mixing them up from stuffing their dp is much more rewarding.
This one is more for the extra card up your sleeve rather than using as a primary mix up since back dash allows them to escape.
Ah gotcha. Also I was doing a J.HP, not J.LP…it’s been working just fine as a bait I guess, and I also am able to hit people if they’re not expecting the hit, because the HP comes out so late. Is this known to work with HP and LP?
I also mix up the safe jump after forward throw with the Dash > Dash > Cross up J.LK to stuff shoryuken and wake up. I find that the timing is really strict and for some reason I feel like I’m doing it *early *sometimes. Am I crazy but can you do this safe jump too fast and end up whiffing the hit?
You can do anything too fast or too late and get a bad result. Especially j. lk b/c it’s not active long and the hit stun is garbage.
i normally don’t use the j. lk set up unless I have meter. If you don’t have meter to EX Flip or at least the threat thereof, then Gouken is pretty much on the defensive or risking whatever after he lands it since kongo and every thing else loses to reversal dps.
That’s why I normally suggest working everything off of the stuff as the primary and everything else as part of the mind game and whatever feels good to use.
Yeah, that’s that window i was referring to as a faux safe jump a few post’s above. Very easy to do on Sagat since he wakes up late, but it’s more used for 3 frame reversals that you can’t safe jump that low. It allows you to whiff land early and be safe, think of it as an empty jumped dive kick.
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/35655/climaxter">climaxter</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Bump this or sticky, please.<br></div>
<br><div>You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink… I was content with seeing it being buried… </div><div><br></div><div>I look at it 2 ways… either mostly everyone knows now after 3 versions of the game, or they are missing the point hellbent on being Defensive Gouken. </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
Can someone please tell me if I am doing this right? I set the dummy to jump and to all block. I do a forward throw then dash and demon flip dive kick. If this hits and I land a combo than I did a correct 4 frame safe jump right?
I know I can’t do it to ken cause he has a 3 frame reversal but doesn’t he get up in 4 frames? If not who should I practice on? I was having Cammy do wake up cannon spikes and landing then blocking them but I read somewhere that she doesn’t get up in four frames.
LOL @ mr83martinez… he gets an off topic for telling the truth… LMAO.
Landing frames are 4 frames so any reversal less than 4 frames you can’t safe jump that way with dive kick or any move that overlaps your hurt box with the reversals hit box by the 3rd frame. (because you are still landing)
mr83martinez was correct. All you have to do is look at the frame data to tell who has a 4+ reversal or not and it will tell you who you can safe jump in that fashion and who you cant. Some characters rise a frame or 2 earlier ( examples Yun, Guy etc.) and some rise later (Blanka, Sagat etc) so you need to keep that in mind when you are doing your safe jumps as well.
But overall, the frame data for their reversals is the bible on who you can and can’t safe jump. If they have a 3 frame reversal then just write them off from the list of being able to safe jump them and dive kick them in the feet.
You can do dive kick early enough and whiff before they reversal you, but that’s no different than doing an empty jump.