Gouken Appreciation Thread, Go ahead and show the love!

Good, at least you know where your mistakes were and can work on them, if you can upload some videos it’d be great to tell you more!!!

I have a couple to share for critique thread…lets get a little convo going on em. I will post tonight sometime


my stick died tonight. No room in the budget for a new one. I guess that’s it for a while.

Catch ya on the flip side Gouken, you’ve been fun.

oOOOUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuch ./…////damn dude that’s the same shit that took me out of rankings for like a yr and a half from partially AE to ae 2014…i feel your pain…You know youll bust out the D pad…Gouken needs you…do the right thing/

What isn’t working? Is it just entirely dead?

You can probably fix it. Since it’s dead already there’s no harm in trying. Or you can find a modder locally and ask them.

the stick. It’s a first gen madcatz SE for the 360, used on a PC.
History is that the buttons and the stick have all been replaced, and I also had to macguyver the cord back together after an animal chewed thru it.

Mid game, left stopped working, then a few seconds later right stopped working, then down, then up.
Buttons all still work.

And yes, I’ll be taking it apart to see what I can do, as well as redoing my cord macguyver work if I can.

as for a “local modder”… ain’t no such thing around these parts. Too rural.

some loose wiring. reattached and taped.

Veloc1raptor won UCG Live last night and KBT won the WNF EU online tournament today!

Gouken taking names!

props yall! sup w them mirrors tho?

any videos?

hxxp://www.twitch.tv/ugclive/v/3731448 starts around 1h05m (maybe a little later) GFs, Veloc1raptor vs Brentiscool

hxxp://www.twitch.tv/kingblacktoof/b/617267267 GFs at 4h29m.

Replace hxxp with http

KBT owned that final. Jimmy was salty as fuck lol.

I finally did it! After years!

I actually used NJ.hk, in a match, on purpose, and it worked.

I did a NJ, and they jumped in on me so they were above me as I was landing. I hit the button, and to my surprise, It actually hit them.

Of course, I have no setup planned for that, so I ate a wake up dp… But NJ.hk actually did something besides look pointless!

I’m calling it a win.

nj.HK suffers from the same thing a lot of gouken’s buttons do, it’s redundant. We don’t need like 10 air-to-airs that cover the same angle, lol.

When in doubt, use standing fierce punch. Seams to out beat a lot of mid and high attacks.

This is more of a “How silly SF4 was in this regard”-appreciation, but anytime something goes wrong, I’ve picked up the habit of saying the death scream of Dhalsim…


You can plink Gouken’s normal and ex kongo and parry two hits, not too useful but it’s cool.

When I get on the bus I say “Yoga teleport”.

Once there was a bomb on board and we couldn’t drop below 60 mph when I screamed “Yoga catastrophe”.

Whenever I’m lightin’ the BBQ I go “Yoga flame”.

Its very useful when you use it at the right moment…

You can cancel Goukens focus dashes into kingoshin also

I will never forgive Capcom for making his hurt box so big.