You need to DP with Deadpool to do his OTG, which is absolutely vital to getting in damage, so that might rule him out.
Yeah, but if you’re just trying to learn how to play keepaway effectively, Deadpool is a good choice. Not for combos, though.
If you want to learn how to do combos, play as Wesker.
Why did I forget???
Taskmaster. He works with every team. He can switch between keepaway and rush. His counters (his counter hyper too) lead to free hyper (which you can air xfactor into another hyper) for easy damage.
He has good normals. A ghetto air dash that (mighty swing) cancels to projectile.
His projectiles have two versions.
He has versatility in spades and has room for player growth with his advanced combos.
So yeah. Have Taskmaster teach you some moves.
Bring money.
Pick a team that some top player is running (or at least a good player with a lot of footage), and copy the shit out of what they do. Eventually, you’ll start understanding how and why things work. At that point, you’ll be in way better position to build your own team from scratch, if you want.
“neutralize…neutralize…hidden missiles assist…neutralize…neutralize…” lol
Dormammu: “you like that…you like that…hidden missiles…you like that…”
haha i use this team against weskers and wolverines in vanilla. It was really funny except I replaced dormamu with taskmaster. I think thats much worse. lol
Most of the characters I play don’t rely on DPs-
Captain America, Magneto, Haggar, Sentinel, etc.
Not to say they don’t have DP moves that are important/good, but you definitely don’t need to rely on them or put them in combos.
Captain America needs it for his DP and DP hyper but in most situations you’ll have plenty of time to do the motion to activate it (if you even choose to do so).
Magneto needs it for Gravity Squeeze and Repulsion/Attraction but once again you have plenty of time to do Gravity Squeeze so you can input the motion slowly and you only really need it when you have 3+ meters. Repulsion/Attraction isn’t really important unless you’re pretty good and when you’re at that level, you’ll learn how to do DPs anyway.
Haggar sorta needs to do dp moves if you want a little extra damage, but he hits hard even if you don’t do the combos with the DP motion. His DP hyper isn’t really that great unless you tigerknee it in certain combos. Most important place to put it is in the “infinite reset” that he has… but that’s not really vital to your game. Good to add, but not vital.
Sentinel kinda needs it for his command grab, but at a low level your game will probably consist mostly of cr. m and j. s anyway…
Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. I’ve mainly been messing around with a Ghost Rider/Sentinel/Taskmaster today. I feel kind of bad that I usually end up mashing various Hs with Ghost Rider and Sent, but at least it’s something to start on. Going to test out Cap, Dorm, and Doom soon.
Captain America’s good because you can play around with his B&Bs and you’ll still get like 700k damage. Here’s an easy one that I do (completely unoptimized but I haven’t spent that much time on the game). cr. l, cr. m, cr. h, s, j. h xx light shield slash, land, j. h, j. s, land, light shield slash otg, dash, s, j.h, j. s, dash, light shield slash otg xx hyper charging star. Seems like a lot of moves, but it makes sense and it’s really easy (does ~700k).
Another way to look at my combo- ground magic series into j. h xx shield slash (to tack on damage) into the end of an air magic series, otg, combo extend into a launch and then the end of another air magic series (take out the Ms for reduced damage/hitstun scaling), otg again and cancel into your hyper.
Tasky’s DP move, sword master, rarely sees use. Give him a call at 555-TASK. He can also zone well.
No credit cards. Straight cash only.
For inputting DP I have pretty much always done it as “tap forward + qcf”. It’s yet to fail me.
I also recommend slowing your inputs down. Start slow. As you become more comfortable you can speed it up.
Hey, so I’ve been playing online and it hasn’t been going too well. Along with never blocking (I have such a bad habit of always pressing forward) I don’t think I’ve really come up with a good team yet. I’ve been messing around with the suggested characters. Honestly, zoning/keepaway hasn’t been going too well for me. People usually seem to jump in before I can establish anything (which I know takes practice on my part, so this isn’t complaining).
The characters I’ve liked so far are Taskmaster, Hulk, Sentinel, Ghost Rider, Arthur, Tron, Super Skrull, Nemesis. Haven’t really figured out how to use Doom, Dorm, or Cap yet but they interest me as well. Honestly, zoning isn’t as important to me anymore as I’d rather just have a solid team I can learn. So if there’s any “simple/easy” characters to add to that list, that’s fine too. I’m up for anything. Which of these people could work well together with DHCs/game plans? I’ve pretty much been switching off between them all in various combinations.
Try Hulk/Ryu/Sentinel
that not a bad idea really. i might plan to do that with one team in marvel.
Pick your favorite charecter of the roster…go in to training mode with that charecter…learn what that charecter can do BY HIMSELF…analyze the weakness…put together a team that adds to that charecters strengths and helps with his weakness. Look on the forums for techniques and watch match videos to see what you should be doin and addin the HELFUL techniques to your skills and just play the game. Fuck winning at first…some charecters are easy mode and will get you the wins but later on when ppl start figuring shit out you will need to know how to PLAY this game. Take the ass whoopins first learn from that shit and body everyone else later on in life.
Um no the Easiest zoning team is the team i run Hawkeye/Strider/Sentinal. Strider covers the sky’s so you just focus on over powering the horizontal space and sent adds extra shit on the field while covering up the wholes in Hawkeyes zoning. great dhc ability and you build so much meter with hawkeye that by them time he is killed strider comes in with 3 meters and xfactor 2 ready to go and still has sent backing him up. This team is cheap and easy to run for little effort just sit back and watch the health go
Im going to close this thread. All questions about team building should go in the thread stickied at the top of the forum. Thank you.