Good teams for a beginner?

I’m seeing a lot of Wesker, Sentinel, and Akuma in this thread.

I’m a little confused. Is this supposed to be for teams that are good for teaching new players the ropes, or is this supposed to be for teams that a noob would be successful despite their lack of experience?

The nice thing about Amaterasu is that she is an incredibly self reliant character with a huge number of tools at her disposal. She also has a very small hitbox, which is very nice. Because she’s so good alone you don’t really have to structure a team around her the same way you do with many other characters, which makes her a good choice as an anchor. I think it’s best to put her on a team in last spot rather than put her on point and build a team around her. Reason why is that Cold Star is just a generally useful assist. I don’t think there is any character in the game that really can’t make some use of Cold Star. If you have to put on her point I don’t see her necesarrily NEEDING an assist the same way that, say, Trish really benefits from an OTG. Viper makes a good partner to Ammy since the team can create lockdown unblockables. But really if you have two other generally self sufficient characters like Dante or Wesker you’re doing pretty good. Also now that she can’t airdash block a beam assist could help cover your approach, making Doom, Iron Man, Magneto, etc also good choices to look at.

Interesting, I’ve been messing with some characters and I really like x-23. She’s kind of a fast hitter and I love characters with this kind of profile. I’m thinking about placing her as the first character

Also, i’m trying to use rocket raccoon and deadpool, they’re just stylish, but I feel that with this characters (amaterasu/x-23/deadpool/rocket raccoon) my team gonna lack on good assists and also I feel that they’re all too squishy :frowning:

I was asking for advice on getting a balanced team so I could learn the ropes with those and then branch out from there. I am hoping those with more experience and knowledge of group dynamics will offer suggestions on where a total beginner could start in terms of learning how teams function. Powerful, well balanced groups are of course a bonus!

Try all of these characters in various combinations (they all have effective easy tools and can be expanded into advanced characters when you want to up your game):

Wesker, Dormammu, Doom, Wolverine, Akuma, Sentinel, Captain America, Hawkeye, Ryu, Frank.

There are some other beginner-friendly characters like Hulk, Haggar, Ghost Rider, and Nemesis but you might find them a little lacking in options when you want to move on to more advanced play (not to say they are particularly bad characters, but their tools don’t really lend themselves to much fanciness).

^ i like all of those suggestion for someone new but the doom one throws me for a loop. he’s no viper in execution but i’d say he’s certainly more difficult then the rest around him no?

I would try X-23/Rocket Raccoon/Amaterasu

Ankle Slice is good for unblockables, Spitfire Twice is a great approach assist for X-23, like Sentinel Drones Lite. Then Cold Star is the lockdown you need for Rocket Raccoon instant overheads and such as well as Dirt Nap setups.

Maybe his movement but his combos are retard easy.

A basic team would be:
First character to build as much bar and do as much damage as possible. Recommendations would be Hulk, Spencer, Nemesis, Nova or Wesker. (All of these characters are pretty basic, and can fill many roles in a team.
Second character to get as much of a lead as possible, and compliment your first. No recommendations because that would depend on your first character.
Third to abuse X-factor 3 and have a ranged assist. Recommendations would be Phoenix(Jean), Akuma, Ryu, Taskmaster, Strange, or Wesker.

Example, my team is Zero (Any assist because Zero is best on point.) Spencer Wiregrapple M assist to help Zero combo and reset and abuse Bionic ARRRRRMMMMM, and Taskmaster (Horizontal arrow assist) to help Zero and Spencer get closer safer. (Call taskmaster assist and with Zero dash and with Spencer Air zipline.)

Also are you used to fighting games in general? Or are you just new to MVC3? And make sure to do your research!

His movement is a lot easier now too actually. Go into training and just tri-jump around for a while, you’ll notice it’s a little faster and it’s much much easier to crossup with it now (think they reduced Doom’s collision size).

Doom is in that list though despite his movement and combos because he can at least be played just with his basic tools and still be a good zoning character. When I started out in vanilla my bnb was LMHS j.MM xx ADF j.M xx Air Photon Array… it only does like 500k damage but it’s easy enough to learn (I did it without ever trying it in training, I just picked Doom in a game and it was the first time I touched the character and figured it would work and it did). That’s obviously nowhere close to what he’s capable of but it’s good enough for a beginner.

I like it, gonna give it a try and start practicing some combos. Thank you!

anytips about playing on dualshock? I don’t have the money to buy a stick right now :frowning:

I hate the shoulder buttons on those. Maybe the Hori Fighting Commander 3 Pro? Much cheaper, than a stick six face buttons(I suppose it’s a step up)! I’m using a stick and a pad, and I’m still on the fence on which I prefer.

Nothings changed since Vanilla. Its still Wolverine Wesker Akuma for the easiest team ever. All powerful characters, easy combos, broken x-factor damage. Great place to start. Once you get better with them you can switch to new characters that may take more work to learn their ins and outs.

I was going to say Wolverine / Ryu / Hulk but after seeing someone else recommend Wolverine / Cap / Ryu I’m inclined to agree.

I play on dualshock, and my “fun” team in Vanilla was Iron Man/MODOK/Doom and I did just fine.

What I do is I use the analog for special move motions, switching to the D-pad for command normals when I want a specific direction. I hold the other half normally most of the time, but when I am dashing or doing air combos with Doom in particular I switch to a “claw” style grip so that I can easily hit L and M at the same time.

I think the most important thing to realize when picking the “herp derp” characters is not to get into the habit of fishing for stuff most people unfamiliar with the game would fall for. Sure it’s awesome hitting that H with Hulk and ruining lives when someone doesn’t expect it, but face someone who does and you’ll have learned nothing at all. Find characters that interest you and build from there, if they’re easy mode don’t be predictable. I think a character like Wesker is perfect for understanding the basics of a relaunch, OTG, and even situational assists. Apply what you learn from that and change up your team as you see fit.

One of my friends just picked up the game, started him off with Wolverine / Amaterasu / Wesker. They all play differently, teach you how to do different types of (useful but relatively easy) combos, and have good synergy. Plus they’ve got a lot of style and are relatively straightforward, so they’re easy to appreciate.

Same situation here, right now I am using Wolverine/Iron Man/Akuma, the problem I have right now is that every character feels exactly the same and people just lame me out online more often than not. Frustrated as I write this, thinking of quitting and going back to SF4 full time.


I remember Iron Man’s combos being incredibly weird and difficult to perform. Did something change?

Iron man is incredibly awkward to use for beginners, or at least for a transition into other characters moves. I can confidently say that and i consider myself a beginner.

I have to say, if the op has played the VS series before yes this is easy, but for people who didn’t play versus i’m inclined to say the ‘retard easy’ stuff outside the magic series isn’t so easy.

honestly just to the other starting poster, you aren’t guaranteed to win every match in every fighter, more important than anything set goals other than winning to have fun like said. Instead of trying to beat every person you fight, land a BnB you’ve been practicing in a fight, use assists properly to get in, land combos off stray hits. because this forum makes this shit sound easy but its the farthest from it.
if you’re not having some sort of fun when winning or losing, you’re not doing it right.