mr Jangara - Cammy
Mongolobokop - Chun li
EA megaman, kuroppi, thelothegreat, mr x 64 - Honda
Zetra, Afrolegends - Balrog
Eggo, SweetJV, Spritenz- Sim
Empirion- Blanka
De Maverick, Cali Power - Bison
DGV - Ryu
Jumpsuit - Fei Long
Tono767 - Bison
Oh My God and SMQ may be sore losers, but that doesn’t stop them from repeatedly kicking my ass with their mains.
I’ve played a couple of good people at least once, so if I listed them all, my list would be huge. So I’ll list some names that come to mind for each character. My apologies to all those I forgot.
Ryu - DGV, billjmninja (also has a mean Fei)
Ken - cali power, Damdai
Honda - Mad Possum, Ea Megaman
Chun Li - Guile75, Technical Monkey
Blanka - Real Decoy, spatz1
Zangief - hitwari
Guile - narcissus caesar, elton chong
Dhalsim - I can’t remember playing any great Dhalsims
Balrog - smq91
Vega - Sharizord
Sagat - KJ out the 17th, Oh My God
Bison - I know there were some, but no name comes to mind
Fei Long - orf33 (also has a mean Ryu)
T Hawk - Jiggly Norris, Weak Sauce SRK, Travelin Penguin
Cammy - none really
Dee Jay - There were some good ones but I can’t remember any names
Akuma - most good players seem to stay away from Akuma
:lovin: <3
But i’m not that good.
If you want to play a good Vega play Razorfist or Opemai.
You’re one of the better Blankas i’ve played though.
Thanks for the mention guys! I actually have hit some kind of mental block with Zangief and can’t seem to play him anymore…
Anyway it does seem that we all come across the same players since I agree mostly with the list mentioned.
Well, I got my mention so I figure its time to retire
Same here. I kind of thought that maybe I was going through a bad patch and the answer was to play through it, but it just felt like I was getting worse. One night I felt like a total beginner because people were jumping in on me and I couldn’t think fast enough to DP them out of the air. It was like I just froze up.
As per a suggestion of a friend, I decided to give the game a bit of a break. Well I tried. I managed to stay off my Xbox for 3 or 4 days, but what did I do in the mean time? I had a sneaky half hour on Super on my Wii and Super Turbo on my laptop :rolleyes:
Addicted to Street Fighter. Lately though, I’ve been feeling like this is the kind of game you have to be in the mood for rather than one you can play on remote and hope to gradually improve. I might go online later, but I’m not getting that initial urge that I used to do.
Good Thread!! Will be hitting some of these names up for some practice.Better than any player roster i’ve seen so far.
i’m on XBL-My 2 cents on the best i’ve played/seen:
Ryu- Rakaam, Mikeidge, Madgrab, xRyu 187x, FortisRonin, Wildheineken.Nothavingfun is excellent also.There are plenty of other good ones.
Honda-Chagatai is the best i’ve played, period.Also Thelo the great is top shelf, and ciccioleo78 is excellent.
Blanka-, TWINTURBOCOBRA is excellent, Kubz Da Kockney, Spatz1 is very good also.There are some others but i forget at the mo.EDIT: Empirion’s blanka is WICKED!
Guile-Mr irrepressible is very solid, i seem to have forgotten lots of good ones.Will edit later.
Ken-Dav 35, o Chromium o, Lionheart 101, and a few more.You guys drive me fucking crazy with your ridiculous lag jab dragon punch bullshit!-Respect.
Chun-, Skankin Garbage, Chunbelievable
Zangief-Haru Tejyo, Megamantommy, Rakaam is good too, there are lots of others
Dhalsim-Chrisfighter 77, Eggo, and Sweet Johnny V are the 3 best i’ve played
Deejay-Le0n0wski, Tschesae, Rakaam is excellent also, there are lots of other good ones.
T.Hawk-JigglyNorris (haven’t played him, but would love to have a go. Have heard gridman is really good too).I rarely find anyone who can play hawk really really well and rarely have trouble beating him with dictator, even though it’s supposed to be a tough matchup.EDIT: Travelin Penguin was excellent last week.
Cammy-It’s been a long time since i played a good one, bruce askew is really good, can’t remember any others.I hate cammy though, so that’s good.
Fei-The mixmaster himself, Sirlin Prime is really good.There are a handful of others but i can’t remember any standouts.
Claw-No-one really-WTF?
Sagat-Hmmm, i usually beat him cause that matchup is way in my main’s favour (dictator) so no one really comes to mind.
Dictator-Rakaam, Sirlin Prime
Akuma-Never played him but damdai looks fucking scary…
I want to see a top shelf Sagat. I don’t have much to compare mine to and I haven’t really seen a dominating one on XBL (via Youtube) or encountered any on PSN. He’s just got some really bad matchups that make it hard to assess in the ones I’ve watched on Youtube (Eggo’s Sim has the most vids up).
As far as PSN goes:
Ken: blitzfu
Ryu: JohnChoiBoy
Blanka: their names escape me.
Guile: stinkysanchez, tecmosuperbowl, ald_one
Claw: ald_one, slipkicks
Boxer: ald_one, JohnChoiBoy’s roommate
Dictator: Darkmob because his style is anti-me but he was dominating none the less, and there are a few more but I need more games with them to assess. If they run and fly around it’s easy to beat Sagat, however if they come after me, I can get damage in so I don’t really know how to assess him.
Cammy: Syxx
Gief: Haksakoun
Honda: MisterEgoTrip
DeeJay: True Old School
Chun Li: slipkicks
Dhalsim: hmm, don’t run into many but ktm was good
T.Hawk: none that impressed me yet
Fei: don’t remember the names but I’ve run into maybe 2 or 3 that give me trouble
I got a few mentions?
I don’t deserve them. Blushes :lovin:
Wow i got mentioned quite some times
So i will give you a short list of people i remember but there sure are others:
Ryu: Mikeidge,snakedeyez,billjmninja
Ken: Zero1 2k7,Dav35
Honda: PlanetRV
Chun Li: Technical Monkey, Guile75
Blanka: Empirion, WolfmanX 25
Zangief: Hitwari
Guile: Mr Irrepressible
Dhalsim: scoop moto, SweetJV
Cammy: none so far
Fei: aqua snake, billjmninja
DJ: Tschease
Hawk: none so far
Balrog: SMQ91
Vega: Sharizord
Sagat: x Oh my god x
Bison: MackDaddi
I guess i forgot some good players i met so please forgive me for all the great players i missed out
I’m still waiting for proof on how this guy even deserves to be mentioned here. See my last post.
I’ve played xOH MY G-Dx many many times, and although our matches are pretty laggy he’s always been cool with me and his sagat is very formidable and he’s never rage quit on me if he loses. He’s got an excellent tiger shot zoning game.
I must also add chagatai as a very good honda player and a gentleman, his critique of my guile vs his honda really helped me improve that match up exponencially, also mad possums honda is a beast too.
woohoo, I got a mention? Result :lovin:
:tup: :tup: :tup:
Fucking,Fucking,Fucking De Mavrick i just cant beat this guy.
LOOL. Yeah, he’s the best Bison I’ve ever seen. BTW - he’s seen my posts before so he might see this too
I played DGV 5 times tonight, that guy has amazing skills with ryu its like he plays the game in another dimension
Ryu: DGV (best Ryu i’ve ever seen!)
Sim: Damdai, Chrisfighter77
Blanka: Empirion, Bluetallcans
Guile: marsgatti2009, Mr irrepressible
Boxer: SMQ91
Claw: sharizord
I’ve seen him duck out of a few player matches when a formidable Sagat is on deck. His Sagat is slightly more well trained that mine/most but nothing great from what I’ve seen. Of course he’s not going to ragequit you because he know’s it’s going on your youtube. Also why has he not refuted any accusations against his programmable pad he’s got? These are legitimate questions to pose.
Yeah thanks for inviting me to the room, I managed to get close in a couple of matches (well 2 rounds anyway out of 3) but DGV was too good in the end.
I’m glad orf33 came and I knew it would be a good fight between the two. They’re the two best Ryus I’ve seen and the first match was real close (orf won). I reckon DGV is better out of the two but I really struggle with orf because he’s on my friendslist and we play each other all the time so he knows my 'gief inside out.
Good game btw Irrepressible, you usually trash my 'gief but I stuck with him anyway.
Oh and this WorldWarrior guy (or something like that) was also in the room and played a fairly good Sagat.