Good Bye SRKGD it had been a blast

Imagine my surprise when I saw SRK fucking hitting the front page. I joined back in 00’ making some avs, making fun of fatherbrain and just having grand old time with everyone. It’s sad to see how this has fallen but I imagine that we have this down time to address issues that had been our each personal demons and the lockdown has prevented a our usual celebrations to hide the bad things happening in our lives. I am disappointed but more importantly I am saddened for all those who had experienced abuse. Thank you for those who provided amazing memories. Take care. Be safe. Fight to make it better in any way you can. And more than ever SF3:TS’s quote is more relevant than ever.

“Fight for the future”



Wait, you’ve been lurking this whole time?

I thought you’ve been gone…

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Okay, bye.

Both you and General Discussion outlasted Mr. Wizard. Whoda thunk it?


I had a random PC issue and I was Googling around to figure it out.

I saw you @Hotobu in one of the comments. I think your screen name and AV were the exact same. It was surreal because I haven’t seen you post here in years.

It’s funny when shiiiet goes down, some of the OG’s always pop back around for a while.

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A big reason was the “SRK is dead” + new format. After that my attention just went elsewhere. Also my SN/AV has been the same since 2007 I believe.

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So, dudes been lurkin’ for 20 years and finally makes a post to say he’s leaving? Kick rock strange dude.


Guys I found my pic of Jay’s bald spot damn this like 8 years old he prob bald as hell now FB_IMG_1594001129466|690x387

Whoops didn’t mean to be policing there crew


Who’s this mother fucker?!?

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OC didnt you make me a T4 AV back in the day?

I don’t get this. So is he quitting SRK because of the Mr Wizard issue?

Who cares.

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I don’t even know what the issue is to care about… To move on to another discussion why didn’t they just yeet Mr Wizard without cancelling Evo?

I’m not quite sure how timelines lined up, but my guess is that so many people and companies had pulled out so close to the date of the event that they weren’t confident they could kick out Wiz and then get everyone back on board in time to still have the event happen.

OGs are still around but they’re now on discord scattered around different servers. Some of them use the same names as here like hotobu but many have different names and i don’t really know who the hell they are except persons like zoo no matter how many times he changes his name you know it’s going to be him when you read his shit posting.

Most of us are in wakanda

You know how can I get there? I’m only in the unofficial SRK discord, megashock and epi’s

Yeah somehow EVO should have happened this year