Good Assists for Iron Man?

I’ve been trying out Sentinel’s Rocket Drone Charge assist, but I don’t like playing the actual character. Any good team comps for Iron Man on point/second?

Hidden Missiles, Sentinel Drones, and Ammy Cold Star are the three assists you basically need to make him viable. You need a lockdown or screen control assist. The obvious drawback with Sent is that he’s a garbage anchor, where as Doom and Ammy aren’t.

I’d go with Ammys Cold Star.

It’s alright but I really don’t think it covers his weaknesses hard enough, I’d have to see it in action to believe it. I think Missiles is pretty much by far the best just because of the random confirms and ability to save his ass.

I’m giving Ammy Cold Star a shot mainly because it gives Deadpool a crazy good reset, if Ammy doesn’t work out I’m going back to Doom.

Ammy is a really weird character though, it will take awhile to get used to her.