GolemGaming -BrokenGolem- Video

Hey guys, I am fairly new to these forums and i decided to actually post something for a change.

My playstation gt is :BrokenGolem (add me on psn)

I would like to post a video to inspire some challanges and hopefully meet some awesome players.

Well this is like my 3rd video in 2 days and i have no other way of recording other than my phone
(5.0 megapixels). I will be upgrading capturing methods soon… Until then i want to invite you all to my new youtube channel where i will be posting videos from random matches to casuals to ranked to tourneys. Here is the link to the channel http://www.youtube.com/user/GolemGaming Plase Rate,comment and subscribe! :pleased:
Nuff said, heres the video…
Game Played: MVC2



Common guys,let me know what i should do to better my game play/videos. Im all ears.

What you think of this video? 0/10?