Golden Triangle FGC/Lamar U FGC (Beaumont, Southeast Texas)

For those in this area looking to find a community but haven’t and have been forced to go to Houston, lake charles, Lafayette and Nola to find games and tournaments.

We are a community, here are the links to our Facebook groups

Golden Triangle FGC

Lamar U (Beaumont) FGC

Friday, @Lamar Beaumont, Upstairs in the Maes Building

SSFIV & Injustice Tournament, signups 6pm - tourney 7pm

SSFIV AE 2012 on Xbox 360
Injustice GAU on PS3

Been busy, we’ve had a few tourneys in the area lately. Last 2 SF4 tourneys have been taken by Khan.

Here is the Lamar Univesity FGC Schedule for the next 2 months, its pretty set in stone but things could change.

Upcoming Schedule:
3/21/14 - SFIV/ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
3/28/14 - Casuals
4/4/14 - Casuals [Texas Showdown 4/4/14-4/6/14]
4/11/14 - SFIV/ Mortal Kombat 9
4/18/14 - SFIV/ Project M
4/25/14 - Casuals
5/2/14 - SFIV/ Soul Calibur 5
5/9/14 - Casuals/Finals Week

Generally all these events are held upstairs in the Maes Building of Lamar Beaumont Campus unless stated otherwise.
SF is played on 360 always
MK9 will be on ps3
SC5 I’m not 100% sure on what console but I presume ps3.

If your near, come play, we are building as a community. LUFGC & GTFGC
